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Issue 13_Comprehensive Practical Combat

Introduction >
Chapter112-18 dminlte+tp completes the background login jump function

adminlte+tp builds the background login page

31 minutes15 seconds

adminlte+tp builds background login page 1

28 minutes22 seconds

Asynchronous implementation of form verification login jump

31 minutes00 seconds

Form asynchronous implementation of verification login jump 1

29 minutes58 seconds
Chapter212-21 Clever use of tp6 routing rules and intermediate controllers

TP basic routing rules and request objects

34 minutes26 seconds

TP basic routing rules and request object 1

24 minutes13 seconds

The intermediate controller implements anti-login spoofing

44 minutes08 seconds
Chapter312-22 One-click cache clearing and rbac permission table design

Background layout and one-click cache clearing

28 minutes30 seconds

Background layout and one-click cache clearing 1

32 minutes16 seconds

rbac permission table design and join table query

28 minutes29 seconds

rbac permission table design and join table query 1

30 minutes56 seconds
Chapter412-23 First experience with Infinitus menu rendering and datables

Rendering of background menu after TP actual combat

27 minutes26 seconds

Rendering of the background menu after TP actual combat 1

31 minutes40 seconds

First experience using irane tags and datatables skillfully

34 minutes52 seconds
Chapter512-24 Implement permission management logic (user management and rule management)

User management of authority management

33 minutes36 seconds

Permission management user management 1

26 minutes36 seconds

Rights management rule management

49 minutes36 seconds
Chapter612-25 Implement role management and rule management

Implement rule management

33 minutes22 seconds

Implement rule management 1

28 minutes35 seconds

Implement role management

26 minutes18 seconds

Implement role management 1

24 minutes32 seconds
Chapter712-28 Permission authentication and article management

Permission authentication and multi-level menu addition

28 minutes57 seconds

Permission authentication and multi-level menu added1

28 minutes29 seconds

Article list and article editing

47 minutes16 seconds
Chapter812-29 Webuploader and rich text tool ueditor configuration

Article recycling and restoration processing

29 minutes20 seconds

Article recycling and restoration processing 1

27 minutes33 seconds

Asynchronous image upload and ueditor configuration

40 minutes39 seconds
Chapter912-30 Article front page layout and function explanation

Bug after forced routing is enabled

19 minutes52 seconds

Article details routing optimization

38 minutes11 seconds
Chapter101-04 Initial uniapp

Complete the WeChat tabbar based on uniapp

26 minutes25 seconds

Basics of uniapp - Complete WeChat tabbar1

31 minutes35 seconds

Usage of common APIs in uniapp

28 minutes25 seconds

Usage of uniapp common api 1

22 minutes05 seconds
Chapter111-05 Life cycle and page routing

Page value transfer and drop-down loading

24 minutes53 seconds

Page value transfer and drop-down loading 1

32 minutes47 seconds

Uniapp network request requests tp6 interface data

42 minutes59 seconds
Chapter121-06 uniapp data cache and vuex status management

uniapp data cache

26 minutes22 seconds

uniapp data cache 1

21 minutes53 seconds

vuex state management

22 minutes02 seconds
Chapter131-07 uniapp obtains tp6 interface data

Passing values ​​between components and obtaining news data interface data

31 minutes14 seconds

Passing values ​​between components and obtaining news data interface data 1

29 minutes32 seconds

Multi-level rendering of comment data on news details page

31 minutes25 seconds

Multi-level rendering of comment data on news details page 1

22 minutes01 seconds
Chapter141-08 uniapp makes a call to get the location and app Android package apk

Call the phone and get the location

28 minutes32 seconds

Call the mobile phone to make a call and get the location 1

31 minutes29 seconds

h5 and Android apk packaging

41 minutes19 seconds
Chapter151-11 laravel basics

Introduction to laravel and directory structure

27 minutes38 seconds

Introduction to laravel and directory structure 1

31 minutes14 seconds

laravel routing and controller basics

47 minutes30 seconds
Chapter161-12 laravel basics 1

Models and Views

29 minutes06 seconds

Models and Views 1

26 minutes50 seconds

blade template engine

44 minutes49 seconds
Chapter171-13 laravel basics 2

laravel database access class 1

29 minutes38 seconds

laravel database access class 2

32 minutes25 seconds

laravel database access class 3

45 minutes30 seconds
Chapter181-14 laravel basics 3

laravel database access class 1

30 minutes34 seconds

laravel database access class 2

30 minutes28 seconds

laravel database access class 3

37 minutes58 seconds
Chapter191-15 laravel basics 4

laravel middleware

33 minutes39 seconds

laravel middleware 1

28 minutes54 seconds

Summary of laravel basics

42 minutes49 seconds
Chapter201-18 Universal backend management system

Implementation of login function later

32 minutes42 seconds

Later login function implementation 1

31 minutes38 seconds

Background login function implementation 2

38 minutes22 seconds
Chapter211-19 Universal backend management system 1

Backend menu loading

36 minutes05 seconds

Backend menu loading 1

25 minutes52 seconds

Permission table design and administrator list

43 minutes24 seconds
Chapter221-20 Universal backend management system 2

Background permission menu

31 minutes43 seconds

Background permission menu 1

25 minutes32 seconds

Permission verification middleware

37 minutes11 seconds
Chapter231-21 Universal backend management system 3

Extended database access class

31 minutes02 seconds

Extended database access class 1

29 minutes09 seconds

Modified by administrator

42 minutes36 seconds
Chapter241-22 Universal backend management system 4

Administrator addition and deletion

33 minutes21 seconds

Administrator addition and deletion1

24 minutes03 seconds

Menu and submenu management

37 minutes03 seconds
Chapter251-25 Universal backend management system 5

Menu addition and modification

30 minutes32 seconds

Menu addition and modification 1

27 minutes12 seconds

Add and save roles

36 minutes57 seconds
Chapter261-26 Universal backend management system 6

Character modification and program optimization

30 minutes41 seconds

Character modification and program optimization 1

26 minutes29 seconds

Pointers and recursion

38 minutes05 seconds
Chapter271-27 imitation qq music client

Electron introduction and installation

32 minutes03 seconds

Introduction and installation of electron 1

28 minutes47 seconds

Develop qq music interface

41 minutes20 seconds
Chapter281-28 Imitation qq music client 1

The electron main process communicates with the rendering process

29 minutes20 seconds

Communication between electron main process and rendering process 1

29 minutes50 seconds

electron remote module

46 minutes01 seconds
Chapter291-29 Imitation qq music client 2

Music playback and control

32 minutes50 seconds

Music playback and control1

30 minutes55 seconds

The use of vue in electron

41 minutes43 seconds
Chapter302-1 Imitation qq music client 3

Backstage singer management

30 minutes10 seconds

Backstage singer management 1

34 minutes15 seconds

laravel pagination

44 minutes06 seconds
Chapter312-2 Imitation qq music client 4

Backstage album management and query optimization

30 minutes03 seconds

Backstage album management and query optimization 1

29 minutes30 seconds

Re-extension of laravel database class

37 minutes20 seconds
Chapter322-3 Imitation qq music client 5

Search and add music

31 minutes46 seconds

Search and Music Add 1

29 minutes18 seconds

Add and save music

36 minutes20 seconds
Chapter332-4 Imitation qq music client 6

Background music upload and modification

32 minutes15 seconds

Background music upload and modification 1

30 minutes02 seconds

laravel api request and AES encryption

37 minutes54 seconds
Chapter342-22 Imitation qq music client 7

AES decryption and token generation and transmission

31 minutes16 seconds

AES decryption and token generation and transmission 1

30 minutes30 seconds

system tray

32 minutes52 seconds
Chapter352-23 Imitation qq music client 8

electron client package exe

31 minutes43 seconds

electron client package exe1

27 minutes35 seconds

Course Summary and Questions and Answers

41 minutes22 seconds
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