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bootstrap framework basic course

Introduction >
Chapter1bootstrap basics

Introduction to Bootstrap framework

Sublime text 3

Programmer's Toolbox

Bootstrap layout container

Bootstrap grid

Bootstrap grid parameters

Bootstrap title, alignment

Bootstrap text processing

Bootstrap list

Chapter2bootstrap table

Bootstrap table

Chapter3bootstrap buttons and images

Bootstrap button

Bootstrap images

Chapter4bootstrap helper class

bootstrap auxiliary class font color, background color, miscellaneous

Chapter5bootstrap component

bootstrap component font icon, drop-down box

bootstrap component button group

Chapter6bootstrap input box group

bootstrap input box group

Chapter7bootstrap navigation

bootstrap navigation

Chapter8bootstrap navigation bar

bootstrap navigation bar

Chapter9bootstrap path navigation, pagination, labels, badges

bootstrap path navigation

bootstrap pagination

bootstrap labels, badges

Chapter10bootstrap giant screen

bootstrap giant screen, page header, thumbnail

Chapter11bootstrap warning box

bootstrap warning box

Chapter12bootstrap progress bar

bootstrap progress bar

Chapter13bootstrap form

Bootstrap form single

Bootstrap form two

Bootstrap form three

Bootstrap form four

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