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JavaScript functions and closures

Introduction >
Chapter1Describe the definition and parameters of functions in detail

Analysis of the roles that JS objects can play

21 minutes41 seconds

Use functions to realize all functions of objects (1)

10 minutes13 seconds

Use functions to realize all functions of objects (2)

10 minutes27 seconds

Do you really understand callback functions (1)

14 minutes23 seconds

Do you really understand callback functions (2)

09 minutes45 seconds

The fun of using functions as objects

04 minutes48 seconds

Function attribute case_Create a collection of callback functions

15 minutes02 seconds

Function attribute case_automatic caching of operation results

10 minutes24 seconds

Function definition_declaration_expression_self-execution (1)

10 minutes07 seconds

Function definition_declaration_expression_self-execution (2)

18 minutes56 seconds

Fun and interesting arrow functions (1)

11 minutes16 seconds

Fun and interesting arrow functions (2)

14 minutes01 seconds

The other side of formal and actual parameters that is unknown

19 minutes55 seconds

The remaining parameters that emerged out of nowhere (1)

13 minutes18 seconds

The remaining parameters that emerged out of nowhere (2)

13 minutes14 seconds

Finally solved the default parameter problem

15 minutes34 seconds
Chapter2Describe in detail how to call functions

The difference and connection between hidden parameters arguments and remaining parameters

27 minutes56 seconds

Quick preview of four commonly used function calling methods

16 minutes08 seconds

this when calling a function as a function

11 minutes41 seconds

The process of calling a function as an object method

08 minutes45 seconds

Analysis of the complete process of calling an object as an object constructor (1)

19 minutes47 seconds

Analysis of the complete process of calling an object as an object constructor (2)

15 minutes07 seconds

Analysis of call() and apply() functions and usage scenarios

17 minutes46 seconds
Chapter3Describe variable object scope chain and closure in detail

What are the common data structures in JavaScript?

22 minutes48 seconds

Memory management in JavaScript

21 minutes08 seconds

Memory management and release in JavaScript

09 minutes14 seconds

Detailed description of execution context (1)

17 minutes09 seconds

Detailed description of execution context (2)

10 minutes59 seconds

Detailed description of variable objects

11 minutes31 seconds

Basic concepts of scope

23 minutes44 seconds

What is scope chain?

17 minutes08 seconds

An introduction to the basics of closures

22 minutes06 seconds
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