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PHP digital signature and encryption and decryption

Introduction >
Chapter1digital signature

Course Introduction

06 minutes30 seconds

Server API interface communication and trust issues

07 minutes30 seconds

API parameter passing and tamper prevention

15 minutes26 seconds

Digital signature principle and generation algorithm

17 minutes09 seconds
Chapter2Symmetric encryption and decryption

Usage scenario analysis and AES encryption and decryption (php5)

15 minutes02 seconds

Usage scenario analysis and AES encryption and decryption (php7)

13 minutes24 seconds

AES universal class library package

15 minutes21 seconds
Chapter3Asymmetric encryption and decryption

Introduction to RSA algorithm

06 minutes32 seconds

Generation of RSA public and private keys

02 minutes43 seconds

RSA private key encryption public key decryption

13 minutes20 seconds

RSA public key encryption private key decryption

05 minutes22 seconds

RSA general class encapsulation

11 minutes18 seconds
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