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Novice savior: quick preview of PHP7 basic syntax

Introduction >
Chapter1environment and tools

phpstudy installation and configuration

07 minutes09 seconds

vscode installation and configuration

09 minutes27 seconds
Chapter2Basic grammar (1)

PHP operating principle and PHP documentation

08 minutes42 seconds

How to output the running results

04 minutes17 seconds

Variable concepts and naming conventions

09 minutes17 seconds

How to dynamically create variables

04 minutes57 seconds

Pass by value and pass by reference

04 minutes37 seconds

mutable variable

03 minutes08 seconds

Variable data type

18 minutes30 seconds

Variable type conversion

12 minutes02 seconds

variable scope

12 minutes53 seconds

static private variables

09 minutes04 seconds
Chapter3Basic Grammar (2)

Variable filter (1)

12 minutes06 seconds

Variable filter (2)

10 minutes41 seconds

Variable filter (3)

10 minutes36 seconds

Definition and access of constants (1)

11 minutes10 seconds

Constant definition and access (2)

08 minutes53 seconds

Predefined constants and magic constants

06 minutes48 seconds

constants in namespace

05 minutes14 seconds
Chapter4Basic Grammar (3)

Commonly used operators (1)

14 minutes59 seconds

Commonly used operators (2)

07 minutes04 seconds

Commonly used operators (3)

10 minutes39 seconds

Commonly used operators (4)

04 minutes31 seconds

Branch structure of process control (2)

10 minutes20 seconds

Branch structure of process control (1)

08 minutes59 seconds

Loop structure of process control (1)

12 minutes05 seconds

Loop structure of process control (2)

04 minutes44 seconds
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