HTML opening
Base tag
head, link, title tags
body, main, p tag
header, footer, section tags
address, article, aside tags
hgroup, nav tag
meta tag
style tag
h1-h6 tags
contentEditable, accesskey tag
hidden, spellcheck, tabindex tags
blockquote, cite, hr, pre tags
div, figcaption, figure tag
dl, ul, ol list
a, abbr, b, strong, em, span, mark tags
bdo, data, i, dfn, kbd, codebase
ruby, q, rb, rp, rt, rtc tags
del, ins, samp, small, sub, sup tags
time, map, area, img, picture tags
Usage of var and noscript tags
script tag usage
iframe, source tag usage
table table related tags
form, fieldset, legend, select, option, optgroup tags
input, label, datalist label
textarea, meter, output, progress tags
video video element
audio audio element
Application of track element
embed, object, param elements
canvas element
summary, details, dialog elements
slot, template elements
HTML completion and what I want to say