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Enter C language from scratch

Introduction >
Chapter1The first day of C language learning

Introduction to C language with zero basic knowledge

08 minutes13 seconds


45 minutes28 seconds

linux basic commands 1

47 minutes52 seconds

linux basic commands 2

36 minutes19 seconds

linux basic commands 3

44 minutes35 seconds

Use of vim

01 Hours05 minutes22 seconds

Practical vim

12 minutes43 seconds
Chapter2Day 2 of C language learning

Review review.

01 Hours07 minutes42 seconds

Computer Languages ​​and Flowcharts

38 minutes44 seconds

Variable naming and memory addressing

44 minutes07 seconds

Computer Addressing and Complement Codes

57 minutes34 seconds

Complementary code

14 minutes11 seconds

Data types integer and floating point

35 minutes08 seconds

Character types ascii and escape characters

47 minutes52 seconds
Chapter3Day 3 of C language learning

review review

01 Hours00 minutes20 seconds

Constants and types

37 minutes21 seconds

input and output

52 minutes26 seconds

Type conversion.

30 minutes23 seconds

Operators and expressions

22 minutes16 seconds

Operators and Expressions 2

36 minutes32 seconds

Logical relational operations

45 minutes19 seconds

Conditional comma sizeof summary

32 minutes21 seconds
Chapter4Day 4 of C language learning

review review

57 minutes09 seconds

multi-way branch ifelseif

47 minutes07 seconds

switch multi-channel branch

35 minutes58 seconds

while dowhile

40 minutes42 seconds


42 minutes05 seconds

Nesting of loops

32 minutes05 seconds

Four major jumps

24 minutes08 seconds
Chapter5Day 5 of C language learning

Review review getcharputchar

11 minutes04 seconds

Back to basics review

40 minutes44 seconds

Arrays and initialization

42 minutes48 seconds

The nature of array storage subscripts

40 minutes29 seconds

Find the maximum value of an array and select sort

37 minutes31 seconds

half search

59 minutes53 seconds

Introduction to two-dimensional arrays

14 minutes28 seconds
Chapter6Day 6 of C language learning

review review

47 minutes09 seconds

The essential substitution relationship of two-dimensional arrays

28 minutes50 seconds

Initialization of two-dimensional array

28 minutes43 seconds

Two-dimensional array exercise 1

14 minutes07 seconds

Two-dimensional array exercise 2

35 minutes33 seconds

Array name ambiguity 1

16 minutes43 seconds

Array name ambiguity 2

15 minutes22 seconds

Combined training

24 minutes31 seconds

Backgammon analysis and design

14 minutes36 seconds

Pointer opening chapter

31 minutes27 seconds
Chapter7The 7th day of C language learning

Review Review Arrays

21 minutes14 seconds

pointer review

28 minutes47 seconds

Analysis of the essence of pointers

32 minutes37 seconds

NULL pointer

15 minutes56 seconds

Pointer arithmetic (assignment and addition)

16 minutes57 seconds

Pointer arithmetic ends

21 minutes05 seconds

Array encounters pointer

29 minutes51 seconds

Pointer encounters 2D array

20 minutes36 seconds

Pointer encounters one-dimensional array 2

12 minutes55 seconds

Pointer encounters two-dimensional array

09 minutes48 seconds
Chapter8The 8th day of C language learning

Review and in-depth explanation of arrays and pointers

42 minutes54 seconds

Use of library functions (rand sin)

46 minutes28 seconds

Library function usage enumeration

13 minutes17 seconds

Custom function

51 minutes43 seconds

Pass a one-dimensional array

18 minutes09 seconds

Recursive deep learning

49 minutes51 seconds
Chapter9Day 9 of C language learning

Review and review

50 minutes25 seconds

Global and local variables and scope

33 minutes06 seconds

Global naming pollution and lifecycle

16 minutes49 seconds

modifier auto register extern

48 minutes22 seconds

Modifier static

47 minutes58 seconds


32 minutes42 seconds

Strings and character arrays and operations preliminary

01 Hours03 minutes02 seconds
Chapter10The 10th day of C language learning

Scope and modifier review

22 minutes45 seconds

String review and improvement

30 minutes02 seconds

String native operations to library functions.

32 minutes40 seconds

String processing function strcmp

24 minutes19 seconds

String processing function strcpy

20 minutes22 seconds

String function self-implementation and multi-file encapsulation

33 minutes51 seconds

Those zeros you know

14 minutes25 seconds

Pointer array and bubble sort

43 minutes36 seconds

Application of stack memory and heap memory

58 minutes46 seconds
Chapter11The 11th day of C language learning

Pointer arrays and process space review

45 minutes31 seconds

Variable length array vla and memory application model are prone to errors: NULL

55 minutes46 seconds

Memory application model prone to errors

29 minutes25 seconds

One life, two, two, three, three, all things

36 minutes25 seconds

Three forms of structure type names

33 minutes24 seconds

Initialization of structure variables

24 minutes09 seconds

Structure assignment structure array

38 minutes50 seconds

The structure is used as a function parameter and returned

19 minutes24 seconds
Chapter12The 12th day of C language learning

Memory management review and improvement

41 minutes54 seconds

Structure review and improvement

38 minutes10 seconds

typedef detailed notes

22 minutes45 seconds

localtime function usage

13 minutes37 seconds

Memory alignment principles

40 minutes58 seconds

pointer inside structure

24 minutes03 seconds

Stack implementation

23 minutes17 seconds

union union

32 minutes58 seconds

Use union to find big and small endian order

08 minutes00 seconds

enumeration type

20 minutes41 seconds

The beginning of linked list

24 minutes57 seconds
Chapter13The 13th day of C language learning

Structure review

39 minutes35 seconds

Shared joint review

13 minutes09 seconds

Linked list creation header insertion method

01 Hours03 minutes01 seconds

Linked list creation tail insertion method

37 minutes34 seconds

The head insertion method is disassembled into an empty linked list + insertion operation

06 minutes42 seconds

Find the length of the linked list

04 minutes36 seconds

Linked list search

07 minutes34 seconds

Linked list deletion operation

12 minutes10 seconds

Linked list exchange value sorting

22 minutes20 seconds

Linked list pointer exchange sorting

25 minutes26 seconds

Reverse of linked list

11 minutes10 seconds
Chapter14The 14th day of C language learning

Review and improvement of linked lists

57 minutes04 seconds

Streaming text files and binary files

38 minutes03 seconds

file buffering

06 minutes34 seconds

File creation and closing

25 minutes02 seconds

Read and write one character at a time

47 minutes41 seconds

File encryption (fputcfgetc)

12 minutes33 seconds

Read and write characters one line at a time

32 minutes25 seconds

Read FAQ one line at a time

40 minutes57 seconds
Chapter15The 15th day of C language learning

Review + Exercise Processing

51 minutes06 seconds

Read and write one block at a time freadfwrite

48 minutes38 seconds

Read and write files to linked list

42 minutes03 seconds

Read and write files to linked list + interface management

25 minutes33 seconds

Encryption of binary data

19 minutes37 seconds


12 minutes30 seconds

Detailed explanation of bitwise operators

52 minutes53 seconds

Masks and applications

39 minutes57 seconds
Chapter16The 16th day of C language learning

Knowledge Review and Circular Displacement

53 minutes32 seconds

Circular shift code implementation

14 minutes04 seconds

Determine whether it is a power number

05 minutes57 seconds

No parameter exchange

25 minutes06 seconds

XOR encryption

32 minutes19 seconds

Circular shift to implement encrypted binary data

29 minutes13 seconds

Macros and conditional compilation

49 minutes41 seconds

Other preprocessing

01 Hours24 minutes26 seconds
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