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Issue 10_Comprehensive actual combat

Introduction >
Chapter1laravel basics

laravel installation and deployment

laravel routing 1

laravel routing 2

26 minutes26 seconds
Chapter2laravel basics 1


laravel database access 1

laravel database access 2

Chapter3laravel basics 2

laravel database access 1

laravel database access 2

laravel database access 3

laravel database access 4

Chapter4Model and blade engine

laravel view engine 1

27 minutes42 seconds

laravel view engine 2

28 minutes00 seconds

laravel model 1

laravel model 2

29 minutes47 seconds
Chapter5laravel backend development

Backend login 1

26 minutes26 seconds

Backend login 2

27 minutes22 seconds

Backend user authentication 1

Backend user authentication 2

Chapter6laravel background development 1

Middleware and permission verification 1

Middleware and permission verification 2

Administrator management 1

36 minutes54 seconds

Admin management 2

32 minutes52 seconds
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