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Issue 10_Front-end Development

Introduction >
Chapter1First lesson of school

The first lesson of school (Part 1)

33 minutes46 seconds

The first lesson of school (middle)

33 minutes42 seconds

The first lesson of school (Part 2)

22 minutes02 seconds
Chapter2html basics

html common tags 1

28 minutes02 seconds

html common tags 2

25 minutes25 seconds

html common tags 3

44 minutes52 seconds
Chapter3css basics

css basics 1

38 minutes39 seconds

css basics 2

51 minutes19 seconds

css basics 3

32 minutes11 seconds

css basics 4

38 minutes24 seconds
Chapter4Getting Started with Flexible Layout

Elaborate on assignment 1 on December 20th

34 minutes24 seconds

Elaborate on assignment 2 of 12.20

30 minutes40 seconds

Detailed explanation of flex container properties

45 minutes07 seconds
Chapter5Flex project properties and practice

Detailed explanation of flex project properties 1

36 minutes27 seconds

Detailed explanation of flex project properties 2

25 minutes08 seconds

Component development ideas and navigation examples

45 minutes01 seconds
Chapter6flex actual combat

Flex practical product list 1

31 minutes06 seconds

Flex practical product list 2

31 minutes16 seconds

Flex Practical Comments and Replies

43 minutes42 seconds
Chapter7Summary of Flex Layout and Basics of Grid Layout

Flex layout general reference (PC side)

27 minutes22 seconds

Flex Layout General Reference (Mobile)

33 minutes51 seconds

Grid layout basics 1

42 minutes03 seconds
Chapter8Homework Tutoring and Grid Basics 2

Assignment on December 27th: Flex layout of the home page of the php Chinese website mobile website 1

33 minutes13 seconds

Assignment on December 27th Flex layout 2 of the homepage of the php Chinese website mobile website

27 minutes40 seconds

Grid layout basics 2

38 minutes50 seconds
Chapter9Describe Grid container and project properties in detail

Implicit Grid Principles and Applications

26 minutes35 seconds

Principles and applications of grid area templates

21 minutes51 seconds

Grid Templates in Action: Holy Grail Layout

11 minutes03 seconds

Details the overall alignment of items within containers and cells

15 minutes35 seconds

Detail the alignment of an item in a cell

08 minutes38 seconds

Implementation principles and applications of 12-column grid layout

13 minutes32 seconds
Chapter10Mall components of practical projects

Mall public header component

30 minutes59 seconds

Mall main navigation and carousel components

47 minutes37 seconds

New Year's Day Homework

23 minutes37 seconds
Chapter11Shopping cart/JIUI framework/front-end summary

Shopping cart practice (Part 1)

27 minutes33 seconds

Shopping cart practice (Part 2)

25 minutes11 seconds

Jiui introduction and front-end summary

34 minutes31 seconds
Chapter12js basics

Introduction to JS language

23 minutes48 seconds

JS syntax variable basics 1

20 minutes13 seconds

JS syntax variable basics 2

25 minutes51 seconds

JS flow control 1

18 minutes44 seconds

JS flow control 2

19 minutes52 seconds
Chapter13Details of data types

Detailed description of data type 1

30 minutes39 seconds

Detailed description of data type 2

22 minutes53 seconds

Detailed description of data type 3

22 minutes50 seconds

Detailed description of data type 4

22 minutes46 seconds

Detailed description of data type 5

22 minutes42 seconds
Chapter14Array traversal and function calling

Describe in detail the declaration access and traversal of arrays 1

21 minutes38 seconds

Describe in detail the declaration access and traversal of array 2

21 minutes29 seconds

Function declaration call and parameters 1

20 minutes31 seconds

Function declaration call and parameters 2

18 minutes14 seconds

Function declaration call and parameters 3

22 minutes53 seconds
Chapter15DOM and event principles and applications

DOM and event principles and applications 1

11 minutes57 seconds

DOM and event principles and applications 2

31 minutes17 seconds

DOM and event principles and applications 3

31 minutes28 seconds

DOM and event principles and applications 4

26 minutes44 seconds

Practical classic TodoList1

24 minutes26 seconds

Practical classic TodoList2

14 minutes07 seconds
Chapter16JS actual combat

Tab 1

25 minutes40 seconds

Tab 2

28 minutes44 seconds

Lazy loading 1

25 minutes44 seconds

Lazy loading 2

26 minutes14 seconds

Principle and implementation of fade-in and fade-out

23 minutes40 seconds

Principle and implementation of carousel chart 1

20 minutes12 seconds

Principle and implementation of carousel chart 2

20 minutes09 seconds

Principle and implementation of carousel chart 3

21 minutes24 seconds
Chapter17A closer look at JSON and AJAX

Describe JSON data format and common operations in detail (1)

24 minutes19 seconds

Describe JSON data format and common operations in detail (2)

25 minutes03 seconds

Ajax request and processing basics

31 minutes13 seconds

AJAX+JSON practical form verification (1)

30 minutes15 seconds

AJAX+JSON practical form verification (2)

33 minutes07 seconds
Chapter18Introduction to jQuery and factory functions

Introduction to jQuery and factory functions (1)

20 minutes13 seconds

Introduction to jQuery and factory functions (2)

20 minutes19 seconds

Introduction to jQuery and factory functions (3)

21 minutes24 seconds

Detailed explanation of jQuery common terms

24 minutes50 seconds

jQuery query result processing technology

18 minutes59 seconds
Chapter19jQuery properties and DOM operations

Common attribute operations (1)

Common attribute operations (2)

Common attribute operations (3)

Common attribute operations (4)

Common DOM operations

Chapter20Filters and Ajax

Filters and Events(1)

Filters and Events(2)

Detailed explanation of Ajax methods and examples (1)

Detailed explanation of Ajax methods and examples (2)

30 minutes41 seconds
Chapter21Course summary and experience sharing

Front-end course summary

PHP course summary

Study Guide and Experience Sharing

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