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Thinkphp6.0 official version video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Thinkphp6 installation

thinkphp6 introduction and installation

08 minutes48 seconds
Chapter2Thinkphp6 starting

MVC, single application mode access

06 minutes32 seconds

Install view, template rendering, template variables

05 minutes59 seconds


08 minutes29 seconds
Chapter3Thinkphp6 view

Normal label

09 minutes27 seconds

loop label

06 minutes01 seconds

Compare tags

10 minutes04 seconds


09 minutes55 seconds
Chapter4Thinkphp6 configuration


06 minutes49 seconds
Chapter5Thinkphp6 database

Native mysql operation

05 minutes37 seconds

Query, add

07 minutes00 seconds

Modify, delete

06 minutes53 seconds

Datasets, examples

09 minutes04 seconds
Chapter6Thinkphp6 request

Variable acquisition, example

12 minutes48 seconds

Request type, example

09 minutes08 seconds
Chapter7Thinkphp6 chain operation

where query, expression

07 minutes22 seconds

Data tables, return values, sorting, paging, aggregation

10 minutes49 seconds

Search and sort examples

10 minutes31 seconds

Template pagination, examples

05 minutes16 seconds

Database debugging, dynamic database configuration

04 minutes48 seconds
Chapter8Thinkphp6 model

Create models and model operations

09 minutes07 seconds

Model settings

06 minutes27 seconds

Main functions of the model

08 minutes27 seconds
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