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Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction to crawlers

Course introduction.small

Get to know reptiles.small


Installation and basic use of requests library.small

User-Agent request header in requests library.small

Post request in requests.small

Learn about cookies and session.small

Cookie information is carried in requests.small

session method in requests library.small

Chapter3Data analysis-1.Xpath

Xpath installation and basic operations.small

Xpath data parsing method.small

Xpath practical learning apeland login.small

Practical crawler Xpath crawling article.small

Chapter4Data analysis-2.BeautifulSoup

Installation and three usage methods of bs4.small

bs4 actual combat-learning apeland-ape circle.small

bs4-Practical Ape Circle-Code Optimization.small

Chapter5Data regular expression

re regular module-introduction.small

re module related functions-match and search.small

re module related functions-other functions.small

re module - definition and rules of regular expressions - key points.small

re module-regular practice-yuanlaisu.small

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