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16 days to get you started UI video tutorial

Introduction >

01UI industry introduction

20 minutes37 seconds

02UI industry introduction

24 minutes06 seconds

03xmind usage

09 minutes11 seconds

04ps interface new

15 minutes36 seconds

05ps layer operation

18 minutes48 seconds

06Picture format

22 minutes53 seconds
Chapter2Selection tool

01 Review

20 minutes55 seconds

02 layer

19 minutes30 seconds

03 Layer Alignment Lock

25 minutes30 seconds

04 Marquee tool

17 minutes44 seconds

05 Magic Wand Quick Select Lasso

25 minutes47 seconds

01 Constituency Review

18 minutes35 seconds

02 fountain pen

28 minutes35 seconds

03 text

32 minutes46 seconds


28 minutes17 seconds
Chapter4PS_Graphics Calculation

01 Review

23 minutes15 seconds


24 minutes45 seconds

03 Poster Shape

21 minutes22 seconds

04 text

20 minutes54 seconds

05Text to shape

10 minutes02 seconds

01 Compound Boolean operations

20 minutes00 seconds

02Free transformation

23 minutes37 seconds


13 minutes34 seconds
Chapter6PS_Image Repair

01 Review

31 minutes17 seconds

02 color mode

19 minutes19 seconds

03 fix

29 minutes53 seconds
Chapter7PS_Image adjustment

01 Review

13 minutes05 seconds

02Image adjustment

53 minutes58 seconds

03 blend mode

21 minutes54 seconds


08 minutes17 seconds

01 layer mask

30 minutes53 seconds

02 mobile phone

13 minutes32 seconds

03 Clipping mask

19 minutes38 seconds

04 icon

17 minutes24 seconds

01Adjust edges

19 minutes49 seconds

02 Mask Double Exposure

17 minutes28 seconds

03 sea

15 minutes51 seconds


15 minutes27 seconds

01 one point perspective

17 minutes11 seconds

02Two o’clock and three o’clock perspective

36 minutes51 seconds


16 minutes45 seconds

04Basic principles of perspective

17 minutes16 seconds
Chapter11Art_Light and Shadow

01 Review Channel

31 minutes24 seconds

02 Sketch

29 minutes37 seconds

03 Cutting Perspective Vanishing Point

18 minutes24 seconds

04 disappears

10 minutes08 seconds
Chapter12Synthesis_Light and Shadow


22 minutes40 seconds

02 Hold an umbrella

15 minutes07 seconds

03Light and Shadow Material

42 minutes50 seconds

04 Fragments Definition Brush Pattern

21 minutes30 seconds

01Light effect

13 minutes15 seconds

02 Gone with the Wind Window

20 minutes16 seconds

03 villain

19 minutes05 seconds

04 one point perspective

32 minutes43 seconds
Chapter14Business refinement_Character refinement

01 2 o'clock

25 minutes46 seconds

02High and low frequency filter

33 minutes35 seconds

03Photo retouching

34 minutes00 seconds
Chapter15Commercial finishing_Electrical fabrics

01 cup

33 minutes38 seconds


33 minutes53 seconds

03Photo retouching

26 minutes28 seconds
Chapter16Commercial Refinement_Accessories Cosmetics


21 minutes59 seconds

02 Path selection shape conversion

08 minutes51 seconds

03 pack

13 minutes07 seconds


25 minutes57 seconds
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