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Issue 7_Front-end Basics

Introduction >
Chapter1Front-end development environment and common tools

Front-end development environment

26 minutes54 seconds

Basic principles of how a website works

21 minutes06 seconds

The relationship between html and http

34 minutes40 seconds
Chapter2Quick introduction to common HTML tags

Quick introduction to common HTML tags

40 minutes54 seconds

HTML common tags

22 minutes40 seconds

HTML common tags 1

20 minutes32 seconds

HTML common tags 2

22 minutes07 seconds
Chapter3Introduction to CSS and the box model

Commonly used tags 3

37 minutes12 seconds

CSS introduction and import

22 minutes36 seconds

Introduction to style rules and box model 1

24 minutes10 seconds

Introduction to style rules and box model 2

16 minutes23 seconds
Chapter4CSS common selectors and background setting techniques

Box model example explanation

36 minutes21 seconds

Commonly used selectors (Part 1)

27 minutes28 seconds

Commonly used selectors (Part 2)

38 minutes30 seconds
Chapter5Internal and external margin positioning and floating

background control technology

22 minutes50 seconds

Padding and element centering techniques

28 minutes39 seconds

Collapse transfer and extrusion of margins

21 minutes29 seconds

Floating and positioning principles

45 minutes19 seconds

Positioning practical small cases

19 minutes36 seconds
Chapter6Layout Principles Common Layout Schemes

Layout principle analysis

27 minutes20 seconds

Application of positioning and floating in layout

24 minutes21 seconds

Introduction to common solutions for layout 1

29 minutes36 seconds

Introduction to common solutions for layout 2

27 minutes15 seconds
Chapter7Whole site layout and JS basics

Principle and implementation of the entire site layout for corporate news

26 minutes31 seconds

javascript basic syntax 1

45 minutes22 seconds

javascript basic syntax 2

37 minutes27 seconds
Chapter8Object Basics and DOM Operations

Object creation and copying

41 minutes46 seconds

Constructor and prototype objects

34 minutes49 seconds

DOM and node operations(1)

38 minutes33 seconds

DOM and node operations (2)

37 minutes28 seconds
Chapter9Event Principle and Practice

Basic knowledge of events

36 minutes42 seconds

Practical combat 1: Message board

41 minutes20 seconds

Practical combat: super practical carousel chart (1)

34 minutes56 seconds
Chapter10Actual carousel picture 2

Preliminary knowledge of carousel chart case (1)

31 minutes34 seconds

Preliminary knowledge of carousel chart case (2)

30 minutes33 seconds

Preliminary knowledge of carousel chart case (3)

24 minutes09 seconds

Carousel chart case explanation

33 minutes11 seconds
Chapter11Lazy loading and tabs

The principle of lazy loading

26 minutes36 seconds

Lazy loading practice

32 minutes53 seconds

Tab in action

44 minutes15 seconds
Chapter12Form events and AJAX form validation

Form events and form elements

43 minutes44 seconds

AJAX in practice: dynamically obtain user information

26 minutes52 seconds

Ajax practice, post form verification

39 minutes37 seconds
Chapter13When AJAX meets JSON

JSON principles and practice

21 minutes55 seconds

How to use JSON for data interaction between the front and back ends

38 minutes53 seconds

Simplify operations with FormData form serialization

Chapter14jQuery and LayUI basics

jQuery programming basics (1)

39 minutes08 seconds

jQuery programming basics (2)

31 minutes25 seconds

Ajax and Layui basics in jQuery

41 minutes22 seconds
Chapter15How to create a secondary menu and online answers

How to create a secondary menu 1

29 minutes53 seconds

How to create a secondary menu 2

24 minutes40 seconds

Online Q & A

35 minutes26 seconds
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