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Issue 6_PHP Programming

Introduction >
Chapter1PHP operating principle and program structure

How PHP works

31 minutes24 seconds

Creation and parsing of dynamic content

22 minutes36 seconds

Basic structure of PHP program

41 minutes39 seconds
Chapter2Array and file inclusion practice

Production of dynamic pages

35 minutes25 seconds

Page public module separation technology

34 minutes19 seconds

Template principle and production process revealed 1

36 minutes40 seconds

Template principle and production process revealed 2

20 minutes19 seconds
Chapter3Database principles and PDO technology

Database principles

27 minutes17 seconds

Commonly used CURD operations (add, delete, modify, check)

29 minutes17 seconds

PDO operation database (Part 1)

39 minutes46 seconds

PDO operation database (Part 2)

37 minutes48 seconds
Chapter4Website database and session control

Database management website dynamic data

34 minutes49 seconds

The principle and implementation of cookies and sessions

32 minutes26 seconds

The principle and implementation of cookies and sessions 1

24 minutes16 seconds
Chapter5Session control practice: login and authentication

COOKIE version of user login and authentication (Part 1)

42 minutes47 seconds

COOKIE version of user login and verification (Part 2)

17 minutes08 seconds

SESSION version of user login and authentication

21 minutes15 seconds
Chapter6Ajax paging principle and practice

The principle of paging

20 minutes17 seconds

Implementation of Ajax asynchronous request

27 minutes15 seconds

Ajax realizes paging display of table data 1

30 minutes04 seconds

Ajax realizes paging display of table data 2

26 minutes33 seconds
Chapter7Detailed explanation of functions in PHP

Function declaration and calling

22 minutes10 seconds

Function parameters and return types

37 minutes20 seconds

Knowledge of anonymous functions and closures

37 minutes35 seconds
Chapter8Classes and objects, class inheritance and encapsulation

Definition and member access of classes and objects

29 minutes23 seconds

Initialization and construction methods of class instances

20 minutes07 seconds

Class extension (inheritance)

18 minutes30 seconds

Class access control and encapsulation technology

28 minutes46 seconds
Chapter9[Review] Access to classes and class members

Classes and class instantiations

15 minutes48 seconds

Describe the role of instance attributes in detail

20 minutes56 seconds

Describe the functions of instance methods in detail

15 minutes37 seconds

Describe construction methods and practical cases in detail

32 minutes02 seconds

Describe class inheritance and method extension in detail

23 minutes02 seconds

Describe access control of class members in detail

Chapter106/15 Saturday Question Answering Course

Course Answers 1

Course Answers 2

Chapter11Static members and class member overloading

Static members are defined as access

Definition and access of class constants

Property overloading technology for class members

Static method overloading implements chained access to the database (1)

Static method overloading implements chained access to the database (2)

Chapter12Abstract class/interface and practical combat

The principle and implementation of class automatic loading

15 minutes02 seconds

Describe abstract classes in detail

Describe the interface and implementation process in detail

Interface practice: CURD operation 1

25 minutes23 seconds

Interface practice: CURD operation 2

17 minutes16 seconds
Chapter13Namespace and automatic loading in practice

Creation and use of namespaces

Hierarchical management of namespaces

If automatically loading a class with a namespace

18 minutes30 seconds

Namespace alias access and instances

Static late binding knowledge

Chapter14Practical employee management system 1

Administrator login module 1

33 minutes39 seconds

Administrator login module 2

28 minutes10 seconds

Data paging output for employee management

Chapter15Practical employee management system 2

Tips for making paging strips

26 minutes16 seconds

Add employee operations

31 minutes19 seconds

Analysis of front-end and back-end JSON data interaction principles

How to implement editing and deletion operations

Chapter16php crawler technology

php crawl function 1

31 minutes27 seconds

php crawl function 2

23 minutes27 seconds

php regular function

25 minutes25 seconds

pgp regular expression atom

Chapter17php crawler technology 1

php regular expression quantifier

php regular expression predefined characters

php regular expression special characters

php regular expression modifier

Chapter18php crawler technology 2

php regular expression priority

php string functions

json data format

19 minutes51 seconds

php capture interface data

Chapter19php crawler technology 3

php web scraping 1

27 minutes38 seconds

php web scraping 2

29 minutes57 seconds

php web scraping 3

Chapter20php crawler technology 4

php web scraping 1

30 minutes00 seconds

php web scraping 2

php interface 1

23 minutes58 seconds

php interface 2

24 minutes16 seconds
Chapter216/29 Saturday Question and Answer Course

Course Answers

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