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Issue 5_Framework Development

Introduction >
Chapter1thinkphp overview

Installation and deployment(1)

32 minutes36 seconds

Installation and deployment(2)

28 minutes23 seconds

File and class naming conventions

49 minutes38 seconds
Chapter2thinkphp overview 1

Entry files and namespaces 1

Entry files and namespaces 2

Describe thinkphp configuration in detail

50 minutes59 seconds
Chapter3Routers and controllers

thinkphp routing and controller 1

32 minutes51 seconds

thinkphp routing and controller 2

thinkphp routing and controller 3

thinkphp routing and controller 4

25 minutes26 seconds
Chapter4Request and response

Request objects and usage

36 minutes59 seconds

Request object and usage 1

Response and data query

29 minutes54 seconds

Response and data query 1

Chapter55-18 Saturday course answers

Saturday course answers (1)

54 minutes59 seconds

Saturday course answers (2)

Chapter6Databases and models

Database addition, deletion and modification

31 minutes32 seconds

Database addition, deletion and modification 1

Detailed model

Chapter7Views and templates

Views and templates(1)

31 minutes02 seconds

Views and templates(2)

Validator definition and usage(1)

34 minutes56 seconds

Validator definition and usage(2)

Chapter8WeChat Mini Program 1

Introduction to mini programs

28 minutes23 seconds

Mini program entry file

24 minutes36 seconds


48 minutes02 seconds
Chapter9WeChat Mini Program 2

Component 2

34 minutes57 seconds

Component three

30 minutes12 seconds

Mini program interaction

25 minutes10 seconds

Mini Program API 1

21 minutes05 seconds
Chapter10WeChat Mini Program 3

Mini program api two

29 minutes59 seconds

Mini program api three

Mini program api four

24 minutes24 seconds homepage

29 minutes42 seconds
Chapter115-25 Saturday course answers

Saturday Online Answers (1)

55 minutes36 seconds

Saturday Online Answers (2)

43 minutes19 seconds
Chapter12WeChat Mini Program 4 homepage (2)

28 minutes16 seconds homepage (3)

18 minutes49 seconds

cms background management one

26 minutes59 seconds

cms background management 2

26 minutes20 seconds
Chapter13WeChat Mini Program 5

Public method 1 of project

Public method 2 of project homepage interaction 1 homepage interaction 2

Chapter14WeChat Mini Program 6 list interaction 1 list interaction 2 details interaction 1 details interaction 2

27 minutes14 seconds
Chapter15WeChat Mini Program 7 order page 1

29 minutes06 seconds order page 2

29 minutes45 seconds order page

48 minutes37 seconds
Chapter16WeChat Mini Program 8 login 1

32 minutes01 seconds login 2

Mini program cache storage and public file storage data

Chapter176-1 Saturday course answers

Saturday course answers

Chapter18High concurrency system solutions

Architectural principles of high concurrency systems

49 minutes44 seconds

centos system installation and configuration 1

32 minutes34 seconds

centos system installation and configuration 2

29 minutes03 seconds
Chapter19High concurrency system solution 1

nginx cluster configuration 1

33 minutes59 seconds

nginx cluster configuration 2

19 minutes13 seconds

PHP control and management nginx cluster 1 (Part 1)

29 minutes34 seconds

PHP control and management nginx cluster 1 (Part 2)

25 minutes23 seconds
Chapter20High concurrency system solution 2

PHP control and management nginx cluster 1

49 minutes52 seconds

redis download, installation and configuration 1

34 minutes31 seconds

redis download, installation and configuration 2

24 minutes32 seconds
Chapter21redis cluster configuration

predis operation redis cluster

45 minutes19 seconds

galera download and installation 1

Chapter22mysql cluster installation and configuration

galera installation 1

47 minutes47 seconds

galera configuration and cluster initialization 1

31 minutes42 seconds

galera configuration and cluster initialization 2

Chapter23mysql cluster installation and configuration 1

galera cluster initialization and startup

47 minutes31 seconds

mysql cluster configuration summary

Chapter24rabbitmq installation and use

Installation and configuration of erlang

47 minutes23 seconds

rabbitmq installation and configuration 1

rabbitmq installation and configuration 2

Chapter25rabbitmq installation and writing use 1

Comparison between mq principle and other similar products

30 minutes14 seconds

Comparison between mq principle and other similar products 1

Course Summary

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