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Issue 5_Front-end Basics

Introduction >
Chapter1HTML document structure

Commonly used text elements on the page

53 minutes53 seconds

Images and links on web pages

56 minutes34 seconds
Chapter2Web front-end basic course

Commonly used background controls in CSS3 (sprites...)

44 minutes43 seconds

Commonly used border effects in layout (border)

Style control for tables and lists

Commonly used form elements on the front end

Chapter3Web front-end basic course 1

Detailed explanation of css cascading style sheets: internal\external\inline

09 minutes51 seconds

Common css selectors

Element display and inner and outer margins

Float(float)+(Youku hot module layout (Part 1)

49 minutes03 seconds

Float (float) + (Youku hot module layout) (Part 2)

Chapter4Web front-end basic course 2

Detailed explanation of positioning in css (fixed/relative/absolute)

Pseudo selector:hover

Case: Youku top navigation (Part 1)

Case: Youku top navigation (Part 2)

Chapter5Web front-end basic course 3

Case: Partial layout of the carousel image at the top of Youku (1)

Case: Partial layout of the carousel image at the top of Youku (2)

Case: The layout of each navigation bar at the top of Youku (1)

Case: The layout of each navigation bar at the top of Youku (2)

19 minutes08 seconds
Chapter6JavaScript basics

Learn about JavaScript

24 minutes37 seconds

variable declaration

32 minutes49 seconds

JavaScript data types

Conditional statements

Chapter7JavaScript Basics 2

switch (multi-branch selection statement)

loop statement

28 minutes34 seconds


35 minutes53 seconds
Chapter8JavaScript Basics 3

function call

28 minutes11 seconds



28 minutes16 seconds

DOM events

Chapter9JavaScript case

JavaScript alternate line color change

JavaScript select all

Math object (random color)

Date object (countdown)

23 minutes22 seconds
Chapter10JavaScript case 1

Get the [coordinates] of the mouse in the div in real time

Imitate the text search effect in Baidu Library

24 minutes49 seconds

Move the scroll bar down a certain distance to display [Fixed Navigation]

Level three linkage

Chapter11jquery basic course

Learn about jQuery

jquery installation and use

jquery selector

30 minutes18 seconds

jquery event

Chapter12jquery basic course 1

jQuery traversal

40 minutes34 seconds

jQuery gets and sets CSS classes

jQuery gets and sets content

Simulate adding to shopping cart effect

25 minutes52 seconds
Chapter13jquery basic course 2

jQuery action properties

jQueryadd element

jQuery delete element

Comment like function practice

Chapter14jquery basic course 3

jQuery animation effects

Improve the comment and like function practice

tab switching (automatic switching js native) 1

tab switching (automatic switching js native) 2

Chapter15Use of front-end framework


Frame: Grid Layout

Layui modular use

Today's headlines [1]

22 minutes53 seconds
Chapter16Project【Today's Headlines】

Today's headlines [Navigation layout]

52 minutes41 seconds

Today's headlines [News list]

51 minutes15 seconds

Today's headlines [tab switch]

Today's Toutiao [Home Page Login Layout]

29 minutes52 seconds

Today's headlines - emoticons

Today's headlines [emoji drop-down]

Today's headlines [News list]

Posting effect

scroll bar effect

27 minutes46 seconds

Toutiao [Login Page 1]

57 minutes59 seconds

Toutiao [Login Page 2]

Chapter174.13 Saturday knowledge answers

Knowledge Answer 1

54 minutes39 seconds

Knowledge Answer 2

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