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The fourth issue_PHP development

Introduction >
Chapter1PHP development environment construction and PHP basic syntax cases

PHP operating principle development environment and editor installation settings

45 minutes41 seconds

php generate html file

25 minutes41 seconds

Mixing php and html

08 minutes42 seconds

Application of php variables

40 minutes09 seconds
Chapter2Process control and functions

Introduction to common data types in php

23 minutes47 seconds

Associative array traversal output

21 minutes15 seconds

Alternative syntax for flow control

11 minutes32 seconds

Describe the functions in php in detail

25 minutes37 seconds

Function encapsulation enables code reuse

10 minutes10 seconds

Employee management system backend home page production

22 minutes31 seconds
Chapter3Database principles and query operations

Dynamic websites and databases

20 minutes18 seconds

Download and installation of Adminer management tool

07 minutes47 seconds

The process of creating databases and data tables

18 minutes10 seconds

Introduction to basic SQL commands

10 minutes12 seconds

Create a PDO object and connect to the database

21 minutes56 seconds

Create PDO preprocessing object

10 minutes54 seconds

Parameter binding of SQL statement template

17 minutes28 seconds

Processing of single record query results

05 minutes42 seconds

How to bind result set columns to variables

18 minutes51 seconds
Chapter4PDO writing operations and user management

PDO new record operation

21 minutes18 seconds

PDO update record operation

06 minutes41 seconds

PDO delete record operation

08 minutes43 seconds

If you get the number of result set records correctly

09 minutes18 seconds

User editing function of employee management system (1)

17 minutes21 seconds

User editing function of employee management system (2)

19 minutes36 seconds

User editing function of employee management system (3)

19 minutes59 seconds

User editing function of employee management system (4)

18 minutes02 seconds
Chapter5Session control technology and user login practice

Cookie principle and implementation

25 minutes51 seconds

session principle and implementation

17 minutes07 seconds

Login control of employee management system (1)

Login control of employee management system (2)

Login control of employee management system (3)

Login control of employee management system (4)

Chapter6Employee management of employee management system (addition, deletion and modification operations)

Additional: Principle and implementation of soft deletion

Add new employee operation (1)

Add new employee operation (2)

Edit employee actions

Delete employee operation

Chapter7System settings of employee management system

System settings for employee management 1

22 minutes30 seconds

System settings for employee management 2

22 minutes03 seconds

System settings for employee management 3

25 minutes30 seconds

Paging principle and implementation of employee management system (1)

Paging principle and implementation of employee management system (2)

Paging principle and implementation of employee management system (3)

Chapter8Object-oriented programming (1)

The principle and implementation of file upload

34 minutes10 seconds

Introduction and implementation of classes and objects

11 minutes57 seconds

Definition and access of object properties

10 minutes52 seconds

Definition and access of object methods

13 minutes29 seconds

Definition and examples of constructor methods

15 minutes35 seconds

Class inheritance and method overriding

24 minutes03 seconds
Chapter9Static members and method overloading

Access restrictions on object members

23 minutes44 seconds

Definition and access of static members

24 minutes53 seconds

Definition and access of class constants

08 minutes16 seconds

Property overloading operations

17 minutes29 seconds

Method overloading

21 minutes33 seconds

Practical combat: Static method overloading implements database chain calling

30 minutes47 seconds
Chapter10Abstraction/Interface/Static Inheritance/Namespace and Practical Combat

Implementation principle of automatic loading of classes

14 minutes03 seconds

Abstract classes and applications

17 minutes18 seconds

Interface principle and implementation

19 minutes23 seconds

Interface practice: CURD operation of database

21 minutes18 seconds

Application scenarios and implementation principles of late static binding

23 minutes09 seconds

The role of namespaces

08 minutes50 seconds

How namespaces are defined

10 minutes00 seconds

How to define multiple namespaces at the same time

05 minutes12 seconds

Hierarchical management of namespaces

13 minutes27 seconds

Autoloading technology with namespace classes

14 minutes47 seconds

How to implement alias import of class space

05 minutes42 seconds

Namespace practice

13 minutes53 seconds
Chapter11Sina micro-functions developed natively in PHP

Project introduction and database design

58 minutes55 seconds

Database access class package 1

52 minutes22 seconds
Chapter12PHP native development Sina micro-function 1

Database access class package 2

Database access class package 3

Chapter13PHP native development Sina micro-function 2

Database access class package 4

Weibo release and course summary

Chapter14IM WeChat instant chat

Introduction and installation of Redis

55 minutes38 seconds

AES data encryption and decryption technology

46 minutes05 seconds
Chapter15IM WeChat instant chat 1

User login 1

30 minutes46 seconds

User login 2

websocket connection, send message, disconnect

53 minutes16 seconds
Chapter16IM WeChat instant chat 2

Php operation redis

49 minutes50 seconds

The user logs in to Workerman and saves the user to redis

55 minutes24 seconds
Chapter17IM WeChat instant chat 3

Server sends message to browser

53 minutes51 seconds

Users send messages to each other 1

36 minutes00 seconds

Users send messages to each other 2

27 minutes40 seconds
Chapter18IM WeChat instant chat 4

Broadcast messages to implement group chat function

Course summary

33 minutes32 seconds
Chapter19IM WeChat instant chat 5

Native project development course Q&A 1

Native project development course Q&A 2

Native project development course Q&A 3

44 minutes27 seconds
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