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Issue 4_Front-end Basics

Introduction >
Chapter1[0114] First experience with HTML and CSS

Installation and use of vscode editor plug-in

30 minutes10 seconds

HTML document structure in detail

16 minutes42 seconds

A detailed introduction to common html tags (1)

35 minutes53 seconds

A detailed introduction to common html tags (2)

29 minutes16 seconds

Essential css syntax tutorial

10 minutes04 seconds

css common selectors and priorities

09 minutes53 seconds

A detailed introduction to css box model

25 minutes23 seconds
Chapter2[0115] CSS floating positioning and layout practical lectures

Flexible and elegant selector

42 minutes50 seconds

Fun and magical background

14 minutes08 seconds

Naughty padding

10 minutes05 seconds

Elusive margins

17 minutes01 seconds


12 minutes09 seconds

Positioning and relative positioning

09 minutes23 seconds

Absolute positioning small case

12 minutes33 seconds

Absolute positioning mask

12 minutes16 seconds

Fixed positioning small case

07 minutes46 seconds

Common part of general layout

23 minutes33 seconds

General Layout [Double Flying Wings]

14 minutes24 seconds

Universal Layout [Holy Grail]

12 minutes52 seconds
Chapter3[0116] JavaScript basic syntax in depth

Introduction to JS and the use of console

28 minutes56 seconds

JS basic syntax and process control

26 minutes56 seconds

JS data types

26 minutes25 seconds

3 ways to introduce JS

26 minutes50 seconds
Chapter4[0117] DOM operations in JavaScript

DOM basics

11 minutes27 seconds

How to select page elements in DOM

37 minutes08 seconds

Classic ToList case

22 minutes17 seconds

Add deletion message function to ToList

13 minutes02 seconds

How to dynamically generate a table with JS

36 minutes40 seconds
Chapter5[0118] Forms and Ajax

Form events (1)

29 minutes49 seconds

Form events (2)

24 minutes54 seconds

Principles of movement

18 minutes24 seconds

Drag and drop principle

GET and POST requests

27 minutes46 seconds

Asynchronous and AJAX requests (1)

28 minutes56 seconds

Asynchronous and AJAX requests (2)

22 minutes43 seconds
Chapter6[0121] Quick introduction to jQuery

jQuery installation and basic syntax

30 minutes14 seconds

jQuery selector

24 minutes48 seconds

jQuery selector (1)

47 minutes51 seconds
Chapter7jquery improvement article

jquery traversal method

36 minutes09 seconds

jQuery gets and sets CSS classes

jQuery get content and attributes

Chapter8Advanced jQuery

How to operate elements and attributes with jQuery

37 minutes19 seconds

Case: Click on the product to select the effect

Case: Comment and like function practice

Chapter9jQuery Finale

jQuery animation effects

Case: navigation bar

Case: Navigation Bar (2)

36 minutes14 seconds

Homework: Comment and like function practice

17 minutes20 seconds
Chapter10First experience with bootstrap

bootstrap quick layout

29 minutes39 seconds

bootstrap quick layout (2)

bootstrap quick layout (3)


Weibo navigation bar

Main content part layout

Chapter12Case (2)

Weibo complete layout

Emoticon package layout

Improve Weibo cases

Chapter13Extremely fast applet

Mini program installation and project creation

44 minutes19 seconds

Mini program layout component

01 Hours09 minutes27 seconds
Chapter14Extremely fast mini program (2)

Mini program page layout

41 minutes51 seconds

Page rendering 1

Page rendering 2

Chapter15Front-end completion

Case: tab switching/switching theme

44 minutes46 seconds
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