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Tips on using Git tools

Introduction >
Chapter1Tips on using Git tools

"What is Git" 2018.11.13

02 minutes38 seconds

"The Difference Between Git and Github" 2018.11.13

02 minutes16 seconds

"The Difference Between Git and Svn" 2018.11.13

04 minutes05 seconds

"Installation of Git Tools" 2018.11.14

02 minutes28 seconds

"Initial Use of GIt" 2018.11.15

03 minutes25 seconds

"Git Installation Tp Framework" 2018.11.15

04 minutes10 seconds

"Git Gets Projects in GitHub" 2018.11.15

03 minutes54 seconds

"Git creates a local repository" 2018.11.16

01 minutes48 seconds

"Git's temporary storage area" 2018.11.16

03 minutes53 seconds

"Git Deleting Files" 2018.11.16

03 minutes11 seconds

"Creating a Remote Git Repository" 2018.11.17

02 minutes44 seconds

"Git upload project to remote warehouse" 2018.11.17

05 minutes02 seconds

"Introduction to branches in Git and viewing branches" 2018.11.20

04 minutes05 seconds

"Git Create Branch" 2018.11.20

02 minutes03 seconds

"Git Switch Branch" 2018.11.21

02 minutes40 seconds

"Git delete branch" 2018.11.21

02 minutes46 seconds

"Git quickly creates and switches branches" 2018.11.21

02 minutes01 seconds

"Git Merge Branch (1)" 2018.11.22

04 minutes49 seconds

"Git Merge Branch (2)" 2018.11.22

04 minutes40 seconds

"Git View Remote Repository" 2018.11.22

02 minutes20 seconds
Chapter2Tips on using Svn tools

"Svn Tool Installation" 2018.11.14

02 minutes22 seconds

"Chinese Compilation of Svn Tools" 2018.11.14

03 minutes18 seconds
Chapter3Tips on using Sublime tools

"Installation of Sublime Editor" 2018.11.23

03 minutes29 seconds

"Sublime Installs Package Control Component" 2018.11.26

03 minutes47 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install Emmet plug-in" 2018.11.26

02 minutes18 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install Chinese plug-ins" 2018.11.26

01 minutes41 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install CovertoUTF8 plug-in" 2018.11.26

01 minutes54 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install Git plug-in" 2018.11.26

03 minutes09 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install HTML5 plug-ins" 2018.11.26

01 minutes40 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install JQuery plug-in" 2018.11.28

01 minutes42 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install JSFormat plug-in" 2018.11.28

01 minutes30 seconds

"Sublime uses Package control component to install Alignment plug-in" 2018.11.28

02 minutes22 seconds
Chapter4Tips on using PHPStorm tools

"PHPStorm Font Modification Settings" 2018.12.5

03 minutes24 seconds

"PHPStorm theme background color" 2018.12.5

02 minutes38 seconds

"PHPStorm Chinese" 2018.12.5

02 minutes52 seconds

"PHPStorm runs code directly" 2018.12.6

03 minutes35 seconds
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