
Next Section: 《PHP代理模式(一)》2018.11.242130 plays

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PHP Daily Knowledge (Season 2)

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Chapter1PHP daily knowledge

"Various ways of rounding in PHP" 2018.11.23

03 minutes26 seconds

"PHP Array Merger" 2018.11.23

02 minutes13 seconds

"Manage PHP Version" 2018.11.24

04 minutes56 seconds

"PHP Proxy Mode (1)" 2018.11.24

01 minutes36 seconds

"PHP Proxy Mode (2)" 2018.11.24

03 minutes12 seconds

"PHP Filter String" 2018.12.6

01 minutes43 seconds

"PHP String Addition, Deletion, Modification Check" 2018.12.6

02 minutes47 seconds

"PHP String Connection String" 2018.12.7

02 minutes29 seconds

"PHP string split into array" 2018.12.7

03 minutes37 seconds

"PHP Gets the Current Page Address" 2018.12.10

04 minutes27 seconds

"PHP Sort Array" 2018.12.11

03 minutes40 seconds

"PHP Counts the Number of Occurrences of Words in a String" 2018.12.11

02 minutes38 seconds

"The value of the PHP loop drop-down box" 2018.12.21

02 minutes49 seconds

"PHP Randomizes the Order of Array Elements" 2018.12.21

02 minutes27 seconds

"How to sort associative arrays by key in PHP (1)" 2018.12.24

03 minutes39 seconds

"How to sort associative arrays by key in PHP (2)" 2018.12.24

01 minutes43 seconds

"PHP outputs HTML entities" 2018.12.24

03 minutes16 seconds

"Sending Emails with PHP (1)" 2019.1.3

01 minutes58 seconds

"Sending Emails with PHP (2)" 2019.1.4

03 minutes13 seconds

"Sending Emails with PHP (3)" 2019.1.4

04 minutes37 seconds

"Sending Emails with PHP (4)" 2019.1.4

"PHP implements personal Alipay payment development (1)" 2019.1.7

03 minutes22 seconds

"PHP implements personal Alipay payment development (2)" 2019.1.7

"PHP implements personal Alipay payment development (3)" 2019.1.7

04 minutes47 seconds

"The difference between equal and equal in PHP" 2019.1.15

03 minutes40 seconds

"PHP checks whether all values ​​in the array are strings" 2019.1.15

"PHP changes the capitalization of letters or words" 2019.1.15

"PHP delete array element array key value reordering" 2019.1.16

"PHP sorts arrays according to their values" 2019.1.16

"PHP Multidimensional Array Comparison" 2019.1.16

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