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MySQL database technology knowledge shared daily

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Chapter1MySQL database technology knowledge shared daily

"Download, install and configure the online database management tool PHPMyAdmin"

06 minutes40 seconds

"PHPMyAdmin imports sql files and avoids small details of errors"

03 minutes26 seconds

"PHPMyAdmin completes backup of database, table structure and data as sql files"

03 minutes22 seconds

"Some tips on operating databases and data tables with PHPMyAdmin"

08 minutes55 seconds

"Navicat database app version manager exports and imports sql files"

04 minutes15 seconds

"Introduction to Foreign Keys in Mysql Database"

04 minutes48 seconds

"Creating foreign keys in Mysql database"

04 minutes31 seconds

"The use of foreign keys in Mysql database"

04 minutes29 seconds

"Add foreign keys to Mysql data table"

06 minutes37 seconds

"Mysql data table delete foreign key"

05 minutes28 seconds

"Views in Mysql Data Table"

03 minutes22 seconds

"Creation of Views in Mysql Data Table"

06 minutes49 seconds

"Querying views in Mysql data tables"

03 minutes36 seconds

"Modification of views in Mysql data table"

03 minutes53 seconds

"Deletion of Views in Mysql Data Table"

03 minutes39 seconds

"New data operations for views in Mysql data tables"

04 minutes55 seconds

"New data operations for views in Mysql data tables (2)"

03 minutes54 seconds

"Delete data operation of views in Mysql data table"

03 minutes57 seconds

"View update data operation in Mysql data table"

06 minutes45 seconds

"Transactions in Mysql Data Tables"

02 minutes43 seconds

"Opening manual transactions in Mysql data table"

04 minutes34 seconds

"Commit and rollback of manual transactions in Mysql data table"

05 minutes20 seconds

"Rollback point of manual transactions in Mysql data table"

"The use of rollback points for manual transactions in Mysql data tables"

"Automatic transactions in Mysql data tables"

02 minutes09 seconds

"Detection of automatic transactions in Mysql data tables"

05 minutes53 seconds

"Worm Replication in Mysql Data Table"

"The use of worm replication in Mysql data tables"

03 minutes52 seconds

"Correctly delete data in Mysql data table"

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