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WeChat Mini Program-Basics to Practice

Introduction >
Chapter1Installation and use of WeChat applet

Installation and use of WeChat applet

19 minutes38 seconds

WeChat mini program app.json and app

28 minutes40 seconds

WeChat applet pages logic layer

21 minutes21 seconds

WeChat applet pages view layer .wxml configuration uses wx-if wx-else(1)

31 minutes19 seconds

WeChat applet pages view layer .wxml configuration uses template (2)

31 minutes19 seconds

WeChat applet pages view layer .wxss

28 minutes06 seconds

WeChat applet events and event objects

19 minutes37 seconds
Chapter2Practical development of small programs 1


06 minutes32 seconds

Installation of WeChat applet development tools

07 minutes02 seconds

Case experience

13 minutes53 seconds

Project structure 1

24 minutes34 seconds

Project structure 2

09 minutes12 seconds

Programming experience

43 minutes19 seconds
Chapter3Practical development of small programs 2

Review and Summary

20 minutes50 seconds

Navigation bar configuration

18 minutes32 seconds

Create pages and configurations

Swiper use

09 minutes49 seconds

list style

18 minutes09 seconds

Passing values ​​between pages

24 minutes29 seconds

Demo structure introduction

Chapter4The first video tutorial on WeChat mini program development on the Internet


06 minutes01 seconds

Course introduction, set small goals

08 minutes00 seconds

Briefly read the development documentation to understand the full picture

10 minutes48 seconds

CMS prototype, our initial goal

04 minutes34 seconds

WeChat WEB developer tools installation

07 minutes49 seconds

Create project

34 minutes05 seconds

Write About Us Layout Interface

12 minutes36 seconds

Use variables to replace fixed text in the interface

08 minutes02 seconds

Interface beautification

20 minutes45 seconds

Add article list and content interface

09 minutes27 seconds

Add bottom menu navigation to the program

05 minutes44 seconds

Implement article list interface

39 minutes43 seconds

Implement content details interface

08 minutes13 seconds

List and content interface beautification

28 minutes34 seconds

Mini program CMS system download and installation

16 minutes53 seconds

Introduction to the overall functions of the system

08 minutes45 seconds

Create a CMS functionality plugin

09 minutes11 seconds

Create CMS database model and article content management

43 minutes55 seconds

Mini Program CMS backend interface is open

19 minutes45 seconds

Mini program list interface data docking with backend

10 minutes07 seconds

Mini program content interface data and back-end docking

17 minutes18 seconds

List page loads more articles

29 minutes49 seconds

Interface feedback prompts

35 minutes02 seconds

Add loading friendly reminder

17 minutes40 seconds

go back to the last page

21 minutes05 seconds

Create feedback form interface

24 minutes55 seconds

Interface beautification

09 minutes32 seconds

Add feedback function to back-end system

36 minutes25 seconds

User feedback content is saved to the back-end database

48 minutes36 seconds

Separate documents using citations

06 minutes48 seconds

Caching article list data

35 minutes10 seconds

Caching article content data

15 minutes07 seconds

Cache data solution optimization

12 minutes32 seconds
Chapter5Practical development of small programs


43 minutes19 seconds

Installation of WeChat applet development tools

06 minutes32 seconds

Case experience

07 minutes02 seconds

Project structure 1

13 minutes53 seconds

Project structure 2

24 minutes34 seconds

Programming experience

09 minutes12 seconds
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