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Guide you step by step in writing PHP framework_Design and Development

Introduction >
Chapter1MVC design pattern

Is it necessary to write a PHP development framework yourself?

Functional demonstration of microframework

MVC design ideas

Example demonstration of MVC working principle (1)

Example demonstration of MVC working principle (2)

Chapter2Writing a framework from scratch (basic part)

Basic configuration of the framework

Composer automatically installs third-party dependencies

Test database framework and template engine

Principle and implementation of route analysis (1)

Principle and implementation of route analysis (2)

The principle and implementation of routing request distribution (1)

The principles and practice of routing request distribution (2)

Chapter3Writing the framework from scratch (core part)

Create basic classes and entry files (1)

Create basic classes and entry files (2)

Create a framework model base class

Create a view base class for the frame

Create the frame's controller base class

How to create your own application project

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