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Live classroom recording of the second full-stack development training class (ThinkPHP5.1)

Introduction >
Chapter1521_Frame installation and basic configuration

tp51 introduction download and installation

40 minutes18 seconds

development specifications

07 minutes58 seconds

Directory Structure

13 minutes58 seconds

Frame configuration

32 minutes37 seconds

URLs and routing

07 minutes25 seconds


11 minutes57 seconds

Entry file

13 minutes07 seconds
Chapter25_22 Controller and request response

Controller knowledge

34 minutes04 seconds

Requesting knowledge about the object

24 minutes31 seconds

Quick introduction to singleton mode

Quick Start in Factory Mode

15 minutes53 seconds

Getting Started with Dependency Injection

20 minutes11 seconds
Chapter35_23 Database native query and query constructor

Database introduction

12 minutes36 seconds

Database configuration method

05 minutes27 seconds

Describe the implementation of native query in detail

26 minutes28 seconds

Query Constructor_Query Operation

22 minutes54 seconds

Query constructor_new operation

14 minutes07 seconds

Query Constructor_Update Operation

09 minutes27 seconds

Query Constructor_Delete Operation

09 minutes28 seconds
Chapter45_24 Describe the basic operation of the model in detail

Principles and Applications of Models

22 minutes00 seconds

Instantiation of the model

10 minutes18 seconds

Model query operations

29 minutes29 seconds

Model update operation

11 minutes42 seconds

New operations for the model

07 minutes22 seconds

Model deletion operation

06 minutes11 seconds

The principle and implementation of model soft deletion

16 minutes42 seconds
Chapter55_25 Model automatic operation and data verification

Usage of model getter

23 minutes55 seconds

How to use model modifiers

Model type conversion and automatic completion

Model automatic timestamp function

16 minutes32 seconds

Create validator

32 minutes54 seconds

Independent verification technology

08 minutes25 seconds
Chapter65_28 Describe the dependent containers and Facade in TP51

What is the coupling problem between objects?

15 minutes39 seconds

Analysis of the principles of decoupling using dependency object injection

12 minutes02 seconds

Analysis of the principles of decoupling using dependency container injection

26 minutes57 seconds

Use Facade to unify method calls in containers

11 minutes27 seconds

Tips for Simplifying the Facade Pattern

07 minutes07 seconds
Chapter75_29View and template layout

View rendering in detail

37 minutes04 seconds

Describe template assignment in detail

07 minutes11 seconds

Details on content replacement and filtering

10 minutes27 seconds

Describe template layout technology in detail

27 minutes40 seconds

Detailed explanation of template inheritance technology

17 minutes56 seconds
Chapter85_30 Template tags, paging and file upload

Detailed loop tag: foreach

35 minutes17 seconds

Detailed loop tag: volist

13 minutes58 seconds

A closer look at data paging

28 minutes23 seconds

Details on file upload

10 minutes57 seconds
Chapter95_31 WeChat public account

Build local environment

52 minutes13 seconds

Get access_token

23 minutes25 seconds
Chapter106_1 WeChat public account

Custom menu

29 minutes15 seconds

WeChat web page authorization 1

29 minutes36 seconds

WeChat web page authorization 2

45 minutes13 seconds
Chapter116_4 WeChat public account

Follow and unfollow

10 minutes54 seconds

jssdk positioning

01 Hours04 minutes52 seconds
Chapter126_5 WeChat public account

Synchronize graphic and text messages

53 minutes52 seconds
Chapter136_6 Project Introduction

Project Introduction

56 minutes48 seconds

online shopping mall

47 minutes09 seconds
Chapter146_7 Project Introduction

Backend login logic

51 minutes35 seconds

Backend login logic 1

54 minutes50 seconds
Chapter156_8 Project Introduction

Menu management

57 minutes37 seconds

role management

47 minutes27 seconds
Chapter166_11 project introduction

Product database design

Product database design 1

Chapter176_12 Project Introduction

product release

52 minutes39 seconds

Product release 1

Chapter186_13 Home page production process of website management background

Project presentation and project deletion

21 minutes59 seconds

The complete process of project installation

14 minutes09 seconds

Project initialization and database connection testing

24 minutes40 seconds

Import and resource path replacement of background home page


Chapter196_14 Site management and category management

Site controller and template making

39 minutes54 seconds

Basic operations of site editing

Classification controller and template production

Category addition and deletion operations

Chapter206_15Document and Recycle Bin Management

Documents and Rich Text Editors

Document deletion and recycle bin management

Chapter216_19 actual combat

Submit product specification data

53 minutes33 seconds

Save product specification data

Chapter226_20 actual combat

add to the cart

01 Hours00 minutes02 seconds

Generate orders

53 minutes03 seconds

Product Flash Sale 1

52 minutes58 seconds

Product Flash Sale 2

21 minutes34 seconds
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