1. The function of canceling the product is as follows:
a Tag add link:
<a href="shoppingcart. php?a=delone&key=<?php echo $key ?>" onclick="">Cancel</a>
if judgement, add one more :
<?php //取消购物车里的一件商品 elseif($a=="delone"){ $key=$_GET["key"]; $shoppingcart=unserialize($_COOKIE["shoppingcart"]); unset($shoppingcart[$key]); if(empty($_COOKIE)){ setcookie($shoppingcart,"",time()-3600); }else{ setcookie("shoppingcart",serialize($shoppingcart)); } header("location:shoppingcart.php"); exit(); }
To cancel an item, you only need to unset the corresponding key value
2, clear shopping cart function
Add a tag to send get request:
<a href="shoppingcart.php?a=empty">Clear Shopping cart</a>
If add one more to the judgment:
<?php //清空购物车 elseif($a=="empty"){ //清除整个cookie保存的商品信息 unset($_COOKIE["shoppingcart"]); setcookie("shoppingcart","",time()-3600); echo "<div class='shoppingcartempty'>您的购物车目前没有商品!3秒后跳回首页......</div>"; header("Refresh:3;url=goods.php"); }
3, the effect is shown below