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PHP architect related course video tutorials

Introduction >
Chapter1curriculum structure

Large number of website visits

01 Hours02 minutes19 seconds

Website big data storage

30 minutes58 seconds

website acceleration technology

30 minutes14 seconds

Website service monitoring

41 minutes57 seconds

Network data forwarding principle

50 minutes46 seconds
Chapter2curriculum structure

Lvs Nat and ip-tun mode

01 Hours12 minutes03 seconds

Lvs Dr Mode and Lvs Experimental Test

01 Hours25 minutes23 seconds
Chapter3curriculum structure

Squid proxy server principle

48 minutes40 seconds

Squid ordinary proxy experimental test

56 minutes21 seconds

Squid transparent and reverse proxy

01 Hours08 minutes03 seconds
Chapter4curriculum structure

MySQL grant user authorization

58 minutes50 seconds

MySQL bin-log log and master-slave replication

54 minutes54 seconds

MySQL partition theory

51 minutes08 seconds

MySQL partition experiment

01 Hours06 minutes37 seconds

MySQL basic operations (1)

49 minutes04 seconds

MySQL basic operations (2)

50 minutes30 seconds

MySQL SQL statement skills and optimization

01 Hours04 minutes24 seconds

Mysql index optimization

01 Hours01 minutes23 seconds

Database and server optimization

40 minutes43 seconds
Chapter5curriculum structure

Snmp network management protocol.

Mrtg system monitoring

Postfix mail and shell alert script

54 minutes02 seconds

Cacti system monitoring

Cacti email alerts and stress testing

51 minutes22 seconds

Sphinx full text search

41 minutes02 seconds

Sphinx installation and testing

43 minutes42 seconds

Coreseek installation and testing

46 minutes28 seconds

PHP search code testing

Sphinx real-time indexing

Chapter6curriculum structure

Mongodb installation and use

56 minutes40 seconds

Mongodb add, delete and query operations

39 minutes30 seconds

Mongodb advanced query operations

35 minutes10 seconds

Mongodb advanced change operations

42 minutes30 seconds

Mongodb fixed collection and performance optimization

Mongodb database and schema management

55 minutes35 seconds
Chapter7curriculum structure
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