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Laravel basic development guide video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1curriculum structure

Introduction to git library, development environment and tool software

03 minutes01 seconds

Install laravel framework

03 minutes38 seconds

Install laravel-ide-helper to enhance code prompts

05 minutes52 seconds

Configuring the database and using migrations to create tables

05 minutes53 seconds

Solve the problem that laravel cannot perform data migration under mysql5.7

05 minutes23 seconds

Reasonable routing layout and packet routing

06 minutes49 seconds

Remote development environment server construction and use of virtual panels

09 minutes47 seconds

Use tinker and factory to build administrator initial data

07 minutes38 seconds

Subdirectory domain name binding and creation of background login controller

06 minutes14 seconds

View processing and hdjs framework download and installation

06 minutes41 seconds

Login processing using user authentication system and independently configured guard

14 minutes34 seconds

Use middleware for login permission verification

07 minutes45 seconds

Build backend interface using template inheritance of Blade template engine

09 minutes37 seconds

Complete administrator exit using Auth&guard

04 minutes15 seconds

Use Auth to get user information in the view.mp4

02 minutes00 seconds

Use Request request verification & bootstrap for form verification processing

14 minutes51 seconds

Form validation prompt information Chinese language setting tips

03 minutes14 seconds

Extended form validation rules for user original password detection

06 minutes21 seconds

Fix bugs in class and update password policy

03 minutes48 seconds

Use laracasts-flash to customize message prompts

07 minutes47 seconds

Save video tag data

07 minutes41 seconds

Tag deletion processing and csrf processing skills in jquery

06 minutes40 seconds

Forged form and label editing processing

04 minutes25 seconds

Build course view using bootstrap

08 minutes31 seconds

Pagoda panel installation fileinfo extension

02 minutes03 seconds

Laravel multi-table association operation courses and video collection

05 minutes54 seconds

Alibaba Cloud oss ​​storage development configuration

06 minutes08 seconds

vuej combines hdjs to implement multiple video uploads and progress display

14 minutes49 seconds

Tips for using oss and vue in video editing

12 minutes56 seconds

Using vue-cli initial project and solving the problem of phpstorm not responding when the file is large

11 minutes57 seconds

vuejs builds mobile site list page components

04 minutes10 seconds

Build homepage slideshow using vue-awesome-swiper

14 minutes31 seconds

Interface development video tag interface

05 minutes48 seconds

API interface development to implement common interface controller codes

04 minutes12 seconds

Install the vue-axios plug-in to communicate with the api

01 minutes56 seconds

The webapp play page obtains video data

05 minutes30 seconds

Change playback video in webapp

01 minutes41 seconds

Webapp list page label navigation processing

06 minutes09 seconds

Webapp solves the problem of data not being updated due to routing cache

05 minutes14 seconds

Compile and launch operational projects

03 minutes20 seconds

Package and compile the mobile app and install it for use

08 minutes51 seconds
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