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Quick introduction to HTML

Introduction >
Chapter1html first acquaintance

html first acquaintance

08 minutes05 seconds

html basic structure

06 minutes28 seconds
Chapter2html tag

Page basic elements html

04 minutes51 seconds

Head element of the page

04 minutes34 seconds

Page title element title

05 minutes08 seconds

Meta information element name attribute name

03 minutes38 seconds

The value content of the meta information element

04 minutes49 seconds

layer element div

05 minutes08 seconds

tag attribute id

05 minutes32 seconds

Call style attribute class

05 minutes10 seconds

Create style attribute style

04 minutes08 seconds

elements align and p

04 minutes21 seconds

elements br and pre

03 minutes49 seconds

Element hr and other attributes

03 minutes49 seconds

elements b and i

02 minutes45 seconds
Chapter3List elements

Elements big and small

03 minutes38 seconds

Elements sub and sup

03 minutes48 seconds

List ul and li

04 minutes48 seconds

List ol and li

04 minutes31 seconds

Define list element dl

04 minutes55 seconds


04 minutes43 seconds

A connection and list (small job)

06 minutes05 seconds

elements address and cite

03 minutes00 seconds

Element img and its attributes

06 minutes20 seconds

Implement tags imitating web pages (small job)

05 minutes54 seconds
Chapter4table element

table element table

04 minutes51 seconds

Table elements td and border

05 minutes32 seconds

Table element height and width

03 minutes42 seconds

border color property

03 minutes03 seconds

Table background properties (small homework)

08 minutes19 seconds

Some other properties of the table

02 minutes56 seconds

Alignment properties

06 minutes20 seconds

Row and column properties

06 minutes07 seconds

Background image (small homework)

04 minutes53 seconds

This chapter (small homework)

11 minutes34 seconds
Chapter5form elements


05 minutes06 seconds

form control

08 minutes29 seconds

Specific control types (1)

09 minutes08 seconds

Specific control types (2)

07 minutes37 seconds

Attributes of the input element

05 minutes15 seconds

select list element select

03 minutes40 seconds

textarea element textarea

04 minutes50 seconds
Chapter6Introduction to the syntax of css

Introduction to the syntax of css

02 minutes42 seconds


05 minutes48 seconds

Subselectors and selector groupings

07 minutes54 seconds

selector priority

05 minutes44 seconds

Pseudo class

06 minutes20 seconds

Properties and values ​​in css

05 minutes19 seconds

Box model concept

03 minutes52 seconds

Control the display of text

08 minutes42 seconds

Control the size of elements

03 minutes34 seconds

element background

08 minutes27 seconds

Element padding and borders

09 minutes03 seconds
Chapter7Basic application of css

The element's border

06 minutes05 seconds

Understand parent and child elements

02 minutes58 seconds

Complete a submission form (small assignment)

08 minutes21 seconds

Understand the positioning of elements

02 minutes22 seconds

Positioning of elements

03 minutes44 seconds

Control the display of scrollbar elements

04 minutes07 seconds

absolute positioning

07 minutes16 seconds

relative positioning

08 minutes19 seconds

Controlling the layout of elements

02 minutes59 seconds

element float

07 minutes18 seconds

Cutting of content

03 minutes03 seconds

Clear float and show hidden

06 minutes22 seconds

element overflow

06 minutes35 seconds
Chapter8Basic knowledge of html

Tag nesting and list knowledge

01 minutes38 seconds

Forms and elements

01 minutes27 seconds

Pictures and styles

02 minutes26 seconds
Chapter9Project cases

Imitation Youku(1)

26 minutes32 seconds

Imitation Youku(2)

37 minutes12 seconds
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