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Zero-based PHP development video tutorial VIP video class

Introduction >
Chapter1First experience with PHP

The relationship between php and html

22 minutes39 seconds

Common sense about PHP variables

16 minutes42 seconds
Chapter2String numbers and forms

Powerful strings

32 minutes43 seconds

numerical processing technology

09 minutes42 seconds

constant knowledge

10 minutes22 seconds

Forms and form data acquisition

26 minutes35 seconds

isset, is_null, empty and form validation

34 minutes32 seconds
Chapter3Arrays and flow control

Indexes and associative arrays

27 minutes34 seconds

Array traversal

25 minutes26 seconds

Multidimensional array details

17 minutes28 seconds

Conversion between array and string

12 minutes02 seconds

Array sorting

10 minutes56 seconds

Detailed explanation of loops and multiple loops

15 minutes34 seconds
Chapter4File import_sticky form_function

Let’s talk about the form submission method again

19 minutes47 seconds

File import and template creation

37 minutes58 seconds

How to create a sticky form

29 minutes11 seconds

Introduction to functions

14 minutes47 seconds
Chapter5MySQLi Tools and Connectivity Technologies

phpMyAdmin User Guide

26 minutes36 seconds

Adminer Operation Guide

32 minutes40 seconds

Basic add, delete, modify and check CURD operations

17 minutes40 seconds

MySQLi connection operation

26 minutes27 seconds
Chapter6MySQLi procedural programming practice

Let’s talk about database connections again

19 minutes59 seconds

Practical combat_User registration verification and new operations

38 minutes06 seconds

Practical combat_User information list display

18 minutes45 seconds

Practical combat_updating and deleting user information

27 minutes37 seconds
Chapter7MySQLi object-oriented programming technology

connection operation

08 minutes17 seconds

Add operation

09 minutes54 seconds

Query operation

09 minutes57 seconds

update operation

12 minutes07 seconds

Delete operation

03 minutes38 seconds
Chapter8MySQLi object-oriented preprocessing technology

SQL injection principles and prevention

13 minutes04 seconds

Use preprocessing to complete new operations

25 minutes05 seconds

Use preprocessing to implement query operations

17 minutes17 seconds

Use preprocessing to implement update operations

24 minutes57 seconds
Chapter9PDO operation database technology

PDO connects to database

16 minutes07 seconds

PDO new operation

30 minutes40 seconds

PDO query operations

24 minutes33 seconds

PDO update operation

19 minutes05 seconds

PDO delete operation

09 minutes17 seconds
Chapter10PDO preprocessing query and paging display

New operations for PDO preprocessing

19 minutes26 seconds

PDO preprocessing query operation

17 minutes48 seconds

PDO preprocessing update operation

08 minutes38 seconds

PDO preprocessing delete operation

07 minutes58 seconds

PDO preprocessing query and paging display_1

33 minutes08 seconds

PDO preprocessing query and paging display_2

21 minutes12 seconds
Chapter11Session control_COOKIE and SESSION

COOKIE principle and implementation

36 minutes50 seconds

COOKIE combat-User login_1

21 minutes55 seconds

COOKIE combat-User login_2

25 minutes17 seconds

COOKIE combat-User login_3

06 minutes13 seconds

SESSION principle and implementation

13 minutes16 seconds

SESSION actual combat_User login

06 minutes16 seconds
Chapter12String and array functions and practical combat

Introduction to strings

19 minutes44 seconds

Introduction to string output functions

14 minutes22 seconds

Common string functions_1

17 minutes32 seconds

Common string functions_2

16 minutes29 seconds

Introduction to common array functions

09 minutes36 seconds

Double color ball lottery case

12 minutes19 seconds
Chapter13Getting Started with Array Callbacks and File Operations

Other commonly used array functions

24 minutes15 seconds

Array callback processing_1

11 minutes24 seconds

Array callback processing_2

11 minutes23 seconds

Array callback processing_3

13 minutes03 seconds

Array callback processing_4

16 minutes57 seconds

Basic operations on files and directories

20 minutes44 seconds
Chapter14First experience with object-oriented

Directory traversal and file operations

29 minutes02 seconds

First experience with object-oriented

18 minutes37 seconds

Basic concepts of classes and objects

20 minutes34 seconds

Class constructor

11 minutes22 seconds

Class inheritance and access control_1

13 minutes06 seconds

Class inheritance and access control-2

13 minutes29 seconds
Chapter15Disallow inheritance and magic methods_1

Use of Final keyword

16 minutes09 seconds

Use of $this

13 minutes56 seconds

Tips for accessing static members in classes

21 minutes42 seconds

Static method use cases

18 minutes01 seconds

__get() and __set() methods

17 minutes57 seconds
Chapter16The end of the magic method

__isset() and __unset()

07 minutes09 seconds


09 minutes54 seconds


13 minutes21 seconds
Chapter17Namespaces and autoloading

Introduction and separation of namespaces

15 minutes07 seconds

Namespace access and conflict handling

22 minutes08 seconds

Namespace implements automatic loading of classes

14 minutes54 seconds

Late static binding of classes

12 minutes13 seconds
Chapter18File upload and registration login 1

File upload operation

15 minutes08 seconds

Configuration files and user registration

19 minutes31 seconds

User login operation

11 minutes33 seconds
Chapter19Register login 2 and singleton mode

Log out

15 minutes44 seconds

Registered member list

07 minutes59 seconds

Make a home page

07 minutes15 seconds

Singleton pattern

13 minutes15 seconds
Chapter20PHP framework principles and implementation

How MVC works

19 minutes36 seconds

PDO encapsulates database operation classes

21 minutes38 seconds

Test the packaged Db class

09 minutes56 seconds

Public models and custom models

11 minutes19 seconds

Create controller

05 minutes42 seconds

Entry file

09 minutes32 seconds

Make a view template

04 minutes12 seconds
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