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JavaScript basics video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Basic introduction to JavaScript and data types


01 minutes01 seconds

How to embed script code in web pages

02 minutes34 seconds


01 minutes17 seconds

Variables - give things a name

03 minutes29 seconds

Type of data - numbers, text, true vs false, etc.

05 minutes23 seconds

Processing of text strings

04 minutes43 seconds

Array array

05 minutes11 seconds
Chapter2JavaScript flow control


04 minutes58 seconds

switch statement

02 minutes19 seconds

while loop

04 minutes14 seconds

for loop

02 minutes46 seconds
Chapter3JavaScript functions

function function

01 minutes02 seconds

define a function

02 minutes29 seconds

function expression

00 minutes55 seconds

variable scope

02 minutes03 seconds
Chapter4JavaScript objects


00 minutes54 seconds

create an object

02 minutes52 seconds

array in object

01 minutes31 seconds

Update and delete attributes in objects

01 minutes04 seconds

Add methods to objects

01 minutes38 seconds

Loop through the properties in the output object

01 minutes36 seconds
Chapter5JavaScript DOM introduction and operation

DOM operation document interface

01 minutes06 seconds

Document tree

01 minutes41 seconds


01 minutes41 seconds


01 minutes01 seconds

querySelector 与 querySelectorAll

01 minutes21 seconds

Access an element's properties

03 minutes49 seconds

Create and insert new nodes into the document

02 minutes16 seconds

Insert node at specified position

01 minutes50 seconds
Chapter6JavaScript events

deal with what happened

00 minutes47 seconds

How to handle events

03 minutes14 seconds

Handle the event that occurs using the object's event handler

03 minutes05 seconds

Bind events to objects

03 minutes56 seconds

dissemination of events

02 minutes49 seconds

Change how events are propagated

03 minutes39 seconds

Stop propagating event

01 minutes03 seconds
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