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Node.js Express 4.x framework video tutorial (Part 1)

Introduction >
Chapter1Course introduction and preparation

Question and Answer Methods and Principles (New)

02 minutes05 seconds

Install and use express

15 minutes01 seconds
Chapter2The first Express application

Develop json database

14 minutes38 seconds

Develop document list function

05 minutes45 seconds

Develop the function of adding documents

04 minutes24 seconds

Develop document deletion function

05 minutes11 seconds

Develop document change functionality

24 minutes56 seconds

Login function development

20 minutes35 seconds

Form verification code function development

15 minutes19 seconds
Chapter3Express framework principles

Framework components

15 minutes43 seconds

Let the browser support multiple HTTP request methods

36 minutes27 seconds

Create routing object

17 minutes02 seconds

Shortcut for routing adapter

05 minutes54 seconds

request parameter handler

18 minutes57 seconds

route processor group chain

12 minutes57 seconds

The difference between use method and HTTP verb method

10 minutes47 seconds

path pattern

09 minutes18 seconds

Static resource access

13 minutes00 seconds
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