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MUI framework basic video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1MUI framework explanation

Introduction to MUI, new project creation, basic layout

12 minutes16 seconds

accordion, button

09 minutes59 seconds

actionsheet, badge

12 minutes22 seconds

Check box, radio button, use js to get the selection value

14 minutes54 seconds

datepicker (time picker)

18 minutes40 seconds

dialog box, ipnut (form)

22 minutes52 seconds

slide (carousel component)

17 minutes00 seconds

list (list_image and text list)

08 minutes00 seconds

progressbar, slider and switch

18 minutes56 seconds

cardview (card view), mask (mask mask)

12 minutes02 seconds

Window management and data transfer between windows

29 minutes49 seconds

Detailed explanation of event management and custom events

25 minutes08 seconds

Principle of interaction between APP and server, use of MUI Ajax

21 minutes16 seconds
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