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2017 Latest PHP Advanced Video Tutorial (3)

Introduction >
Chapter1Day 40

Factory class adds model suffix and namespace judgment

28 minutes57 seconds

mvc review---automatic loading, configuration files, path constants

40 minutes53 seconds

Summary of automated processing

15 minutes27 seconds

demand analysis

31 minutes20 seconds

Relationships between data tables

30 minutes34 seconds

Create data tables as needed

33 minutes43 seconds

Project specifications (11163 formula)

29 minutes26 seconds

Display category list page (template inheritance)

38 minutes02 seconds

add category

59 minutes28 seconds
Chapter2Day 41

Project Development Review

58 minutes24 seconds

Recursive query of category list

45 minutes09 seconds

Show category list

24 minutes42 seconds

The modified category information is displayed in the category editing form.

22 minutes32 seconds

Pass the information needed to update the classification through hidden fields

16 minutes54 seconds

Update classification operation

25 minutes05 seconds

Delete category

26 minutes11 seconds

Data validation in classification models

39 minutes03 seconds
Chapter3Day 42

Create the files needed for the topic module

34 minutes11 seconds

Receive form data and save to topic table

10 minutes23 seconds

The topic list page displays topic information

08 minutes29 seconds

update operation

29 minutes09 seconds

Delete topic

10 minutes44 seconds

Create the files needed for the question module

20 minutes00 seconds

Query the content required on the form page that initiates the question

23 minutes06 seconds

Receive form data and store it in the database

28 minutes09 seconds

Information related to homepage related query issues

39 minutes57 seconds

Paginated query question list (1)

15 minutes25 seconds

Pagination navigation bar display (2)

06 minutes48 seconds

Query hot topics (1)

22 minutes15 seconds

Hot Topics (2)

36 minutes24 seconds
Chapter4Day 43

Popular users

19 minutes14 seconds

Introduction to regular expressions

31 minutes17 seconds

Metacharacters represent filtered content

34 minutes50 seconds


13 minutes11 seconds

? Convert to lazy mode, use of ^$ symbol

32 minutes23 seconds

Regular Expressions Review

14 minutes25 seconds

pattern modifier

30 minutes31 seconds

Grouping, backreference

18 minutes25 seconds

Forward pre-check, reverse pre-check

35 minutes37 seconds

Regular expression related functions

19 minutes49 seconds

Regular expression exercises

30 minutes54 seconds
Chapter5Day 44

Regular Expressions Review

22 minutes21 seconds

Email verification

17 minutes34 seconds

Collect web content

14 minutes23 seconds

Encapsulation of registered user verification class

20 minutes48 seconds

Build registration page

22 minutes55 seconds

Click on verification when registering

28 minutes37 seconds

Send emails using 163 mail server

40 minutes41 seconds

Encapsulate the code for sending emails into the Email class

19 minutes24 seconds

An activation email will be sent after successful registration.

25 minutes45 seconds

Activate email action

25 minutes34 seconds

Login verification

32 minutes55 seconds
Chapter6Day 45

Anti-jump verification for login

31 minutes53 seconds

The front page displays logged in user information

18 minutes01 seconds

Analysis of the process of sending text messages

33 minutes54 seconds

Register for the SMS platform of Cloud Communication

38 minutes20 seconds

Send SMS verification code in project

27 minutes43 seconds

Verification when registering a user using a mobile phone

34 minutes43 seconds

Introduction to curl, enabling curl extension

16 minutes19 seconds

Use curl to issue get and post requests

22 minutes38 seconds

Some configuration items related to CURL

13 minutes28 seconds

curl package

11 minutes24 seconds
Chapter7Day 46

Study skills sharing

28 minutes38 seconds

File upload using CURL

16 minutes37 seconds

curl simulates cookie login

34 minutes48 seconds

Add a collection function module to the project

19 minutes30 seconds

Save the collected content to the database

33 minutes48 seconds

Query details based on question id

40 minutes08 seconds

Traverse details in the template of the issue details page

17 minutes21 seconds

Introduction to ob buffering, turning on ob buffering

24 minutes30 seconds

ob buffer related functions, ob_gzhandler processor

22 minutes50 seconds

obMultiple buffers

05 minutes54 seconds

ob buffer is used in page staticization

24 minutes03 seconds

Generate static files after successfully initiating the question

34 minutes23 seconds
Chapter8Day 47

Read the logged-in user information on the problem details page

19 minutes41 seconds

Produce static files after replying to questions

39 minutes28 seconds

Pseudo-static introduction

26 minutes01 seconds

Develop parsing rules based on pathinfo

23 minutes06 seconds

Parse the rules in pathinfo

23 minutes02 seconds

Hide entry file

25 minutes38 seconds

Complete the method name without carrying Action

04 minutes28 seconds

Parse the corresponding data table according to the model class name

16 minutes41 seconds

Set up the project welcome page

05 minutes38 seconds

Custom U method to generate pseudo-static address

46 minutes12 seconds

The home page image address uses an absolute path

01 minutes46 seconds

MVC review

48 minutes31 seconds
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