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The latest object-oriented OOP programming video tutorial

Introduction >

Introduction to object-oriented programming ideas

56 minutes02 seconds

Basic concepts of object-oriented

01 Hours01 minutes14 seconds

$this keyword in method

30 minutes59 seconds

Use OOP to complete the registration process

31 minutes12 seconds

Construction method

24 minutes17 seconds

Destructor method

33 minutes39 seconds

Object passing by value and cloning

38 minutes33 seconds

MySQLDB class preliminary

30 minutes57 seconds

Yesterday review 1

Static members - static properties

Static members - static methods

21 minutes38 seconds

class constant

Automatic loading mechanism of class files

57 minutes35 seconds

Serialization and deserialization of objects

01 Hours10 minutes19 seconds

Class inheritance

override rewrite


Yesterday review 2

access control modifier

Improve the encapsulation and functionality of the MySQLDB class

54 minutes45 seconds

final final class and final method

abstract abstract class

21 minutes33 seconds


Introduction to overload

Attribute overloading (Part 1)

Property overloading (Part 2)

Method overloading


Yesterday's review

Magic methods and magic constants

late static binding

Singleton pattern

Singleton mode of MySQLDB class

Factory pattern

General traversal of objects

Custom traversal of objects

type constraints

Related functions of classes and objects

Namespace preliminary

Space members and subspaces

Space member access

Space introduction

global space

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