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Nodejs + mongoDB practical development of Weibo system video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Nodejs + mongoDB practical development

Introduction to Node.js

19 minutes35 seconds

Getting Started with Node.js Programming

20 minutes33 seconds

Node.js asynchronous IO and event programming

20 minutes58 seconds

Callback functions and events

16 minutes11 seconds

Modules and packages

28 minutes00 seconds

Package managers and code debugging

27 minutes39 seconds

Global objects and global variables

24 minutes39 seconds

Commonly used tools util and events EventEmitter

fs file operations

HTTP server

37 minutes54 seconds

HTTP client

Getting started with the Exprcess framework

26 minutes43 seconds

The structure of the project

39 minutes50 seconds

routing control

40 minutes14 seconds

template engine

34 minutes17 seconds

ejs view template engine

30 minutes32 seconds

Weibo case 1

23 minutes42 seconds

Weibo case 2

24 minutes28 seconds

Weibo case 3

38 minutes47 seconds

Weibo case 4

39 minutes14 seconds
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