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Live broadcast record: PHP devil training camp [making a personal blog from scratch]

Introduction >
Chapter1Day 1: Understand variable types and scope in seconds

Overall introduction to the course and in-depth explanation of PHP operating principles

19 minutes39 seconds

Variable types and detection techniques (Part 1)

15 minutes21 seconds

Variable types and detection techniques (Part 2)

19 minutes42 seconds

Variable judgment skills and common operations in detail

19 minutes01 seconds

Variable Scope and Teacher-Student Interaction

18 minutes23 seconds
Chapter2The second day: process control, project installation and template production

A quick introduction to constants and arrays

14 minutes13 seconds

Detailed explanation of the use of common array functions (Part 1)

16 minutes03 seconds

Detailed explanation of the use of commonly used array functions (Part 2)

14 minutes55 seconds

Introduction to process control

07 minutes46 seconds

Correct installation process of blog project source code

20 minutes14 seconds

Tips for making templates quickly

34 minutes47 seconds
Chapter3Day 3: MySQL basic operations and project operation process analysis

MySQL database connection and query operations

31 minutes35 seconds

MySQL new, update and delete operations

11 minutes07 seconds

Basic running process of PHP application

19 minutes20 seconds

Implementation principle of request distribution for blog projects

28 minutes36 seconds
Chapter4Day 4: Function intensive lectures and template loading of public function libraries

Function knowledge focuses on customization and system functions

11 minutes51 seconds

A detailed explanation of the usage of anonymous functions as values ​​and callback parameters

21 minutes41 seconds

Principle analysis of template automatic loading

33 minutes18 seconds

Database query of public function library

20 minutes18 seconds
Chapter5Day 5: Paging principles and specific implementation techniques [Key points]

Principle analysis of paging display

07 minutes34 seconds

[Example] How to use PHP to achieve perfect paging

26 minutes39 seconds

Analysis of the principles of paging implementation in blog projects

05 minutes26 seconds
Chapter6Day 6: Backend programming skills and entire site optimization suggestions

Background function analysis and implementation process (1)

29 minutes54 seconds

Background function analysis and implementation process (2)

23 minutes07 seconds

Recommended optimization solutions for blog projects

31 minutes40 seconds
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