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Introduction >
Chapter1Course Overview

Course Overview

Chapter2Laravel5.4 introduction

Laravel5.4 introduction

Laravel1.0-5.4 version evolution

Laraver’s community ecosystem

Things to do with other frameworks than Laravel (Part 1)

Advantages of Laravel over other frameworks (Part 2)

Chapter3Install and start Laravel

Laravel installation environment

Introduction to PHPstorm+squePro development tools

Install Laravel using Composer

Start Laravel

Introduction to Laravel Directory Structure

Modify the .env database configuration file

Chapter4Article module

Introduction to project related modules

Article module chapter description

Several forms of Laravel routing

Implementation of article module routing

blade module renders article page

Laravel blade template

balde syntax optimization article template page

Use migration to create posts data table

ORM creates article module model

Implementation of article list page

Logic implementation of article details page

Creating articles with csrf+rich text editor (Part 1)

Create articles with csrf+rich text editor (Part 2)

The logic behind article editing

Use the model to complete the article deletion operation

Summary of Chapter Key Points

Chapter5Laravel core ideas

Laravel core idea service container

Laravel's core idea: service provider

The core idea of ​​Laravel: the door-face pattern

Example - Analyzing Laravel core logging classes

Tips-How to find the facade and inject class methods

Chapter6User registration login registration module
Chapter7Comment module
Chapter8Like module
Chapter9Search module
Chapter10Personal center module
Chapter11Thematic modules
Chapter12Backend basic framework construction
Chapter13Manager module
Chapter14Audit module
Chapter15Permission module
Chapter16Topic management module
Chapter17System notification module
Chapter18Performance optimization
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