PHP Multidimensional Array
##Arrays with more than one dimension can be called multidimensional arrays
We need to understand that an array is not necessarily a next-dimensional array A simple list of indexes and values. In fact, each element in the array can also be another array
So if the array element in a one-dimensional array is an array, then it becomes a two-dimensional array
The values in one array can be another array, and the values in another array can also be an array. In this way, we can create two- or three-dimensional arrays:
// 二维数组:
$cars = array
PHP - Multidimensional Array
A multidimensional array is an array containing one or more arrays.
In a multi-dimensional array, each element in the main array can also be an array, and each element in the sub-array can also be an array.
In this example, we create a multidimensional array with automatically assigned ID keys:
$sites = array
"Google 搜索",
print("<pre>"); // 格式化输出数组
Example 2
Let us try to display a value in the above array:
echo $sites['php'][0] . 'The address is:' . $sites['php'][1];
For other related array knowledge, please refer to the tutorial PHP Array chapter content.
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