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angular.js Chinese teaching video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction to angularjs

Introduction to angularjs

16 minutes54 seconds

data binding

11 minutes03 seconds


05 minutes43 seconds


03 minutes36 seconds

Multiple controllers

06 minutes32 seconds

$apply, $digest methods in $scope

15 minutes27 seconds

$watch method in $scope

08 minutes13 seconds
Chapter2shopping cart

shopping cart(1)

15 minutes32 seconds

shopping cart(2)

10 minutes08 seconds

Shopping cart(3)

10 minutes03 seconds

Shopping cart(4)

05 minutes00 seconds
Chapter3Modules and controllers, filters

modules and controllers

11 minutes05 seconds

provider method in $provide

06 minutes24 seconds

Factory and service methods in $provider

05 minutes51 seconds

Data sharing within multiple controllers

10 minutes25 seconds

filtercurrent number date

16 minutes59 seconds

Filter limitTo lowercase

16 minutes00 seconds

Exercise 1 - Product List

12 minutes01 seconds

Exercise 2 - Product List

09 minutes34 seconds

Custom filter $controllerProvider

13 minutes36 seconds

Proper use of controllers, explicit and implicit dependency injection

19 minutes19 seconds
Chapter4Built-in rendering instructions and custom instructions

Built-in rendering instructions

10 minutes21 seconds

Built-in event instructions

06 minutes13 seconds

Built-in node commands

09 minutes28 seconds

Custom instructions restrict, template and other attributes

11 minutes34 seconds

Custom directive templateUrl property

07 minutes31 seconds

Custom directive transclude, priority and other attributes

08 minutes52 seconds

Custom directive compile link attribute

31 minutes56 seconds

Custom directive controller and other attributes

09 minutes42 seconds

Custom directive require attribute

09 minutes57 seconds

Custom directive scope attribute

15 minutes35 seconds

Custom accordion directive

32 minutes09 seconds

constant, value, run methods in the module

08 minutes47 seconds
Chapter5Forms, custom forms

Form, Text

14 minutes37 seconds

Form Password, Url, Email

09 minutes32 seconds

Form Radio, Checkbox, Number

19 minutes23 seconds

Form Select City Level 3 Association

17 minutes03 seconds

Form Submit, Reset, fix errors

24 minutes26 seconds

Custom form validation

11 minutes33 seconds

Custom form, ngModel attribute

09 minutes31 seconds
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