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Introduction >
Chapter1TP5 basic explanation

Course Outline

Getting Started and Installing(1)

Getting Started and Installing(2)

URLs and Routing - Routing

URLs and Routing - URLs

Requests and Responses - Requests

Requests and Responses - Responses

SQL Tracer

Database-Basic Operations

Database - transactions, chain operations

Query Language-Part 1

Under query language

Models and Associations-Part 1

Models and Associations-Part 2

Readers and Modifiers

Conversion and autocomplete

Query range

Input and Validation-Up

Input and Validation - Next

Association-one (one-to-many)

Association-two (one-to-many)

Association-three (one-to-one)

Association-four (many-to-many)

Association-five (many-to-many)

Model output

Views and templates-1

Views and Templates-2

Debugging and logging

API debugging


A brief analysis of session and cookie mechanisms

Use of session

Use of cookies

Verification code

File Upload

Image Processing

Differences between versions 3.2 and 5_Output

Learning experience and summary

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