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Silicon Valley automated build tool Maven video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Automated build tool Maven video practice

Technologies currently available

11 minutes00 seconds

Requirements for Maven in development in production environment

31 minutes15 seconds

concept of building

10 minutes54 seconds

runtime environment

08 minutes38 seconds

a cooked chicken

16 minutes46 seconds

Automate builds and build steps

16 minutes54 seconds

Deploy Maven core program

07 minutes52 seconds

Agreed directory structure description

11 minutes50 seconds

Directory structure and file contents of the first Maven project

06 minutes16 seconds

Internet problems

14 minutes10 seconds

Several commonly used Maven commands

03 minutes21 seconds


02 minutes33 seconds


08 minutes59 seconds


10 minutes24 seconds

The directory structure and file contents of the second Maven project

06 minutes51 seconds

Dependent basic operations

07 minutes09 seconds

A preliminary introduction to the scope of dependencies

14 minutes47 seconds

Lifecycle plugins and goals

14 minutes14 seconds

Maven plugin settings

04 minutes48 seconds

Create Maven version of Java project

09 minutes22 seconds

Execute Maven command in Eclipse

01 minutes43 seconds

Create a Maven version of the Web project in Eclipse

05 minutes03 seconds

Further understand the provided dependency scope through servlet-api

06 minutes06 seconds

Experience conflicts between jar packages through jsp-api

09 minutes13 seconds

Import Maven project

06 minutes28 seconds

The third Maven project

10 minutes12 seconds

transitivity of dependencies

11 minutes07 seconds

Dependent exclusion

06 minutes35 seconds

Dependence principle description

07 minutes07 seconds

Dependency Principle Testing

04 minutes27 seconds

Unified management of dependent version numbers

07 minutes49 seconds


14 minutes44 seconds


07 minutes36 seconds

Automatic deployment of web projects

16 minutes37 seconds

Find websites that rely on information

02 minutes43 seconds
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