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zend framework 2 video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Download and configure

Download and use

18 minutes16 seconds
Chapter2Method explanation

Service Manager setService method

06 minutes36 seconds

Service Manager setInvokableClass method

04 minutes03 seconds

Service Manager setFactory method

09 minutes52 seconds

Service Manager setAlias ​​method

01 minutes44 seconds

Service Manager addAbstractFactory method

06 minutes46 seconds

Service Manager addInitializer method

02 minutes54 seconds

MVC skeleton construction

08 minutes11 seconds

Album module Module.php

15 minutes03 seconds

Album module routing configuration

13 minutes29 seconds

Album module database and model

24 minutes16 seconds

Album module view

10 minutes00 seconds

Album module form and add

26 minutes35 seconds

Album module update and delete

10 minutes22 seconds

Routing introduction and configuration reference

06 minutes11 seconds
Chapter4Routing introduction

Routing SimpleRouteStack

05 minutes03 seconds


06 minutes39 seconds

Route Literal type

05 minutes36 seconds

Route Hostname Type

06 minutes09 seconds

Route Method Type

02 minutes03 seconds

Route Regex Type

Routing Scheme Type

Route Wildcard Type

Routing Segment Type

Routing Chain Type

Routing uses ModuleRouteListener to automatically splice namesapce for controller

Hydrator ArraySerializable

Hydrator Strategy,NamingStrategy,Filter

Chapter5Practical explanation

User actual combat module structure construction

12 minutes14 seconds

User actual module Module file and module config file configuration

User combat UserModuleOptions

User combat registers UserModuleOptions as a service

Inject UserModuleOptions into controller through ControllerManager

User actual combat creates UserModuleOptionsTrait to simplify the code

User practice uses AbstractFactory to automatically create controllers

User practice using PHPStorm and Xdebug for debugging

User actual combat Form module structure introduction

User actual combat registration and login Form construction

User actual combat EventManager

User actual combat SharedEventManager

User actual use of Controller Plugin Redirect

User actual combat Attach and trigger of EventManager in MVC

User practice uses ListenerAggregateInterface to attach multiple events

User actual combat modifies Form Hydrator to UserEntity

User actual combat extends UserEvent object

User's actual combat: 2 ways to prevent event bubbling behavior

User actual combat setting Form error message

User actual combat Customized Layout

Commonly used View Helper for Head in User Layout

User practice customizing View Helper

User actual use of Form View Helper

User practice creates Bootstrap3 View Helper

User actual combat creates Bootstrap3 FormElementErrors ViewHelper

User actual combat obtains Form object through FormElementManager

User actual combat Db module introduction

User actual combat Injects Adpater into TableGateway through ServiceManager feature

User practice simple use of TableGateway

User actual combat to obtain sql string and transaction processing

User actual combat TableGateway Feature prints all executed Sql

User practice saves user registration information to the database

User practical use of Paginator component for paging

User actual combat uses ViewHelper PaginationControl to display pagination style

User actual combat uses event-driven global settings Paginator

User practice uses Hydrator's Strategy to process display data

04 minutes37 seconds

User actual combat removes InputFilter through InputFilterManager

User practice: Create filtering and verification for username

User actual combat overrides the default inputFilter of the Form form

Use the TableGateway feature GlobalAdapterFeature to complete the uniqueness verification of user names

User practice completes all verifications required for registration

User actual combat completes user login through Authentication

Introduction to User Practical Session Module

User actual combat saves user session in database

User actual combat registers AuthService into ServiceManager

User practice: Check user login status on certain pages

32 minutes32 seconds

User practice: Check user login status on certain pages

User practice session remember me and log out

User actual combat returns to the source page after successful login

User actual combat login verification code

08 minutes25 seconds

User actual combat Chinese verification code

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