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Javascript - ES6 practical video course

Introduction >
Chapter1Understanding and using relevant knowledge in ES6

Understanding let and const

17 minutes15 seconds

Understanding of class

21 minutes46 seconds

Understanding of promiss

49 minutes09 seconds

Understanding symbols and traversers

34 minutes27 seconds

Understanding the Generator function

43 minutes26 seconds

Understanding of set data structure

15 minutes53 seconds

understanding of map

12 minutes14 seconds

Understanding Array.from in arrays

12 minutes06 seconds

Understanding copyWIdthin in arrays

04 minutes06 seconds

Understanding typed arrays

15 minutes54 seconds

Create a typed array

09 minutes18 seconds

Understanding of typed array subarray

06 minutes35 seconds

Usage of DataView view

12 minutes51 seconds

webapi reads binary file

03 minutes00 seconds

ajax request to convert image binary

03 minutes31 seconds

New way of writing object properties

06 minutes02 seconds

knowledge of objects

07 minutes22 seconds

Traverse object properties

10 minutes29 seconds

Understanding of setPrototypeof

03 minutes55 seconds
Chapter2ES6 project practice

New String Utility Methods

04 minutes44 seconds

template string

03 minutes27 seconds

label template

14 minutes36 seconds

arrow function

13 minutes09 seconds

Array destructuring assignment of variables

14 minutes00 seconds

Object destructuring assignment of variables

14 minutes53 seconds

Array parameters and destructuring and default values ​​of functions

12 minutes20 seconds

Destructuring and default values ​​of function's object parameters

06 minutes21 seconds

Consolidate traversal and destructuring assignment through examples

06 minutes21 seconds

Interception of object attribute operations through proxy

09 minutes53 seconds

Use of for in

06 minutes21 seconds

Proxy interception of function execution

05 minutes44 seconds

Getting Started with Modularity

08 minutes46 seconds

A Deeper Mastery of Modularity

17 minutes24 seconds

Deploy es6 code through jspm

08 minutes41 seconds
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