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Chuanzhi Podcast Zhang Peng takes you to hold the html+css video tutorial for a week

Introduction >
Chapter1HTML basics

HTML markup syntax basics

46 minutes48 seconds

Basic structure of html document

47 minutes02 seconds

Detailed explanation of html editor and body

36 minutes09 seconds

Part 1 of the application of html markup semantics

48 minutes04 seconds

Part 2 of the application of html markup semantics

35 minutes47 seconds

html list and picture application

01 Hours06 minutes55 seconds

HTML stage actual combat news page

57 minutes22 seconds

HTML table application basics

01 Hours08 minutes33 seconds

html hyperlink application

42 minutes27 seconds

HTML form application basics

57 minutes26 seconds

Detailed explanation of html form

01 Hours04 minutes41 seconds

html multimedia application

49 minutes45 seconds

html framework technology

38 minutes08 seconds
Chapter2CSS basics

css understands the separation of performance and structure

49 minutes23 seconds

css syntax

56 minutes54 seconds

How to apply css

47 minutes05 seconds

css syntax and priority

01 Hours10 minutes27 seconds

css control text and links

01 Hours02 minutes44 seconds

Detailed explanation of css selectors

56 minutes15 seconds

Detailed explanation of css box model

01 Hours09 minutes36 seconds

css list-detailed explanation of borders

42 minutes25 seconds

css case-Sina news page

40 minutes48 seconds

css blocks vs inline elements

20 minutes13 seconds

css control background and css sprite

39 minutes05 seconds

floating layout

44 minutes06 seconds

clear float

40 minutes08 seconds

absolute positioning

49 minutes34 seconds

clear float technique

01 Hours10 minutes51 seconds

CSS project practice-thematic web page production

40 minutes27 seconds
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