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Chuanzhi Podcast 2017 latest php video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Introduction to PHP and several concepts

54 minutes24 seconds

PHP advantages

10 minutes23 seconds

Apache installation

25 minutes48 seconds

apache startup, shutdown, restart operations

17 minutes21 seconds

environment variables

11 minutes47 seconds

apache directory structure and execution process

12 minutes48 seconds

http command

08 minutes40 seconds

Install PHP

07 minutes47 seconds

Provide PHP as a module to Apache for loading

14 minutes40 seconds

Load the PHP module when requesting the PHP page

10 minutes06 seconds

Load php.ini file

19 minutes45 seconds

Set time zone

04 minutes46 seconds


17 minutes03 seconds

MySQL directory

11 minutes36 seconds

Load php extension

09 minutes52 seconds

Change virtual directory permissions

18 minutes23 seconds

Change default home page

04 minutes48 seconds

Change port number

05 minutes23 seconds

DNS resolution

14 minutes01 seconds

virtual host

15 minutes33 seconds

MySQL client

16 minutes39 seconds

Site, virtual directory, virtual host

04 minutes59 seconds

Distributed deployment

40 minutes17 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

Review the content of the previous section

55 minutes32 seconds


03 minutes58 seconds

zend installation

03 minutes09 seconds

Analytical and compiled

21 minutes14 seconds

Introduction to EditPlus

09 minutes27 seconds

PHP four delimiters

10 minutes18 seconds

PHP can omit closing delimiter

07 minutes23 seconds

Solve the problem of page display garbled characters

04 minutes21 seconds

Output statements in PHP

16 minutes52 seconds

General features of PHP syntax

02 minutes11 seconds


35 minutes32 seconds

superglobal variables

19 minutes20 seconds

mutable variable

08 minutes59 seconds

How to pass parameters on the command line

14 minutes06 seconds


26 minutes34 seconds

Base conversion

39 minutes28 seconds

Base conversion in PHP

08 minutes03 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Review the previous content

46 minutes31 seconds

floating point number

23 minutes53 seconds

boolean, string, escape character

34 minutes43 seconds

ASC code, string delimiter

48 minutes26 seconds


42 minutes44 seconds

Classification of arrays

25 minutes23 seconds

special type

06 minutes47 seconds

Automatic data type conversion

16 minutes56 seconds


02 minutes17 seconds

Conversion rules for other data types and bool

14 minutes22 seconds

arithmetic operators

13 minutes41 seconds

Relational and logical operators

17 minutes25 seconds

String concatenation operator, assignment operator, ternary operator

03 minutes49 seconds


04 minutes40 seconds

Single branch and double branch

18 minutes28 seconds

Determine leap year

25 minutes44 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Review the content of the previous chapter

30 minutes58 seconds


11 minutes55 seconds

judge grades

06 minutes51 seconds

else if is a nested if statement

11 minutes58 seconds

switch statement

11 minutes10 seconds

PHP page parsing process

20 minutes46 seconds

switch-case changes font color and understands color values

26 minutes08 seconds

for loop

39 minutes31 seconds


11 minutes22 seconds


14 minutes33 seconds

Summary of alternative syntaxes

02 minutes37 seconds


23 minutes45 seconds

flip array

05 minutes44 seconds

multiplication table

06 minutes58 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Review the content of the previous chapter

27 minutes07 seconds

Homework: Calculator

12 minutes55 seconds


28 minutes26 seconds

Functions, variable functions, anonymous functions

16 minutes23 seconds


09 minutes56 seconds


02 minutes16 seconds

function transfer address

12 minutes59 seconds

function parameters

25 minutes02 seconds

return value

12 minutes52 seconds

variable scope

Variable life cycle

01 minutes29 seconds

static variable

17 minutes51 seconds

anonymous function

20 minutes28 seconds


19 minutes22 seconds

function proxy call

16 minutes45 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six

Review the content of the previous chapter

36 minutes59 seconds

Function preloading, __FUNCTION___

08 minutes08 seconds

Print color panel

23 minutes08 seconds

Print graphics

20 minutes09 seconds
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