Mall building table
As a large website, the fields of the mall need to be well designed to cope with large traffic visits. Our mall will imitate Use the ecshop mall to create a table.
Type table
##type_name: Type nameproduct Attribute table
php_attrid: auto-increment idattr_name: attribute nameattr_type: Attribute type 0: Unique attribute 1: Single-select attribute attr_values: Attribute value type_id: Corresponding type idMember table
username:user namepassword:user password email: Email check_mail: Whether it has been verified 0: Not verified 1: Verified mail_str: Email verification string sex: 0: Confidential 1: Male 2: Femalepoints: pointsmoney: balanceregtime: registration time
Member level table
#level_name :Level name
points_min: Points lower limit
points_max: Points upper limit
rate: Discount Rate
Member Price List
price: member level price
level_id: level idgoods_id: product idNext Section