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Chuanzhi Podcast JavaScript web game development practical video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Game introduction and page construction

game introduction

13 minutes26 seconds

Build game page

13 minutes01 seconds

Initialize the checkerboard

11 minutes52 seconds

Initialize number grid

05 minutes53 seconds

Generate random numbers

12 minutes52 seconds

Complete game logic

39 minutes36 seconds
Chapter2Game optimization and logic

Review the logic of the last completed game

21 minutes18 seconds

Game optimization one

22 minutes59 seconds

Optimize gameover

06 minutes35 seconds

Complete game logic summary

12 minutes11 seconds
Chapter3Don't step on the white pieces (1)

Web version don’t step on the white blocks demo

21 minutes45 seconds

Don’t step on the white blocks of the web page layout

20 minutes47 seconds

Don’t step on the white blocks to initialize the web version.

19 minutes42 seconds

Web version of Don’t Step on White Blocks game interaction logic

24 minutes21 seconds
Chapter4Don't step on the white pieces (2)

Review the content of the last course

13 minutes00 seconds

Don’t step on the white blocks in the web version (gameover part)

12 minutes22 seconds

Don’t step on the white blocks in the web version (game optimization)

11 minutes59 seconds

Don’t step on the white blocks in the web version (the game is complete)

04 minutes45 seconds

game extensions

08 minutes35 seconds
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