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Chuanzhi Podcast JavaScript&DOM video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1JavaScript Basics Tutorial

How functions are defined

14 minutes15 seconds

function hijacking

05 minutes12 seconds

global function

12 minutes09 seconds

array object

26 minutes57 seconds

Introduction to common methods of array

18 minutes00 seconds

Title bar scrolling

08 minutes12 seconds

string object

29 minutes32 seconds

Math object

06 minutes49 seconds

Date object

04 minutes52 seconds


06 minutes02 seconds

regular expression

09 minutes49 seconds

Bom model overview

05 minutes46 seconds

The innerHight, innerWidth properties of the window object

08 minutes01 seconds

The opener and parent properties of the window object

02 minutes53 seconds

Three dialog boxes for window objects

09 minutes38 seconds

close method of window object

02 minutes18 seconds

open method of window object

10 minutes57 seconds

window object timer

08 minutes19 seconds

Modal form of window object

04 minutes25 seconds

history object

10 minutes21 seconds

Mouse movement event

location object

02 minutes48 seconds

Mouse hover and move out events

onload event

12 minutes41 seconds


04 minutes02 seconds


Mouse click event

20 minutes11 seconds

Load unload event

Focus out of focus event

Keyboard events

Commit and reset events

12 minutes09 seconds

Select and change events

Provincial and municipal linkage

27 minutes19 seconds

Collection properties of document objects

08 minutes12 seconds

Image carousel complex version

44 minutes20 seconds
Chapter2DOM tutorial


04 minutes52 seconds

DOM overview

10 minutes57 seconds

DOM node properties

08 minutes19 seconds

Navigation of DOM nodes

11 minutes08 seconds

Dom node attribute operations

09 minutes38 seconds

How to get label node

08 minutes02 seconds

Get the content of the label node

05 minutes47 seconds

Text example for list items of list

07 minutes40 seconds

Get the text of the option of the drop-down list box

04 minutes18 seconds

Copy, clone node

13 minutes01 seconds

Add dropdown option

12 minutes45 seconds

Add drop-down box options continued (add node)

02 minutes48 seconds

Add table row

Select all, select none

17 minutes25 seconds

Moving drop-down box options (single item)

08 minutes53 seconds

object-oriented javascript

40 minutes38 seconds
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