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Chuanzhi Podcast and Dark Horse web front-end development basic environment configuration video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1First introduction to front-end development

The definition of big front-end development and full-stack development

13 minutes46 seconds

Front-end development basics video-video content introduction

08 minutes18 seconds
Chapter2Front-end development configuration

Basic video of front-end development-common operating system settings

07 minutes07 seconds

Basic video of front-end development - operating system general shortcut key operation (1) use of win shortcut keys

07 minutes03 seconds

Basic video of front-end development-operating system general shortcut keys (2) editing shortcut keys

10 minutes21 seconds

Front-end development basics video-sublime3 installation and plug-ins (1)

04 minutes51 seconds

Front-end development basics video-sublime3 installation and plug-ins (2)

01 minutes58 seconds

Basic video of front-end development-sublime3 common shortcut keys (basic)

09 minutes39 seconds

Front-end development basics video-Introduction to atome installation and use

06 minutes34 seconds

Basic video of front-end development - the use of webstorm and the selection of three development tools

07 minutes43 seconds
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