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Shangguan RHCE video tutorial (1)

Introduction >
Chapter1Study suggestions

Study suggestions 1

26 minutes47 seconds

Study suggestion 2

14 minutes27 seconds
Chapter2content learning

System structure and terminal console

57 minutes51 seconds

Linux installation

40 minutes03 seconds

RHEL6 installation

RHEL6 installation-configuration options after restart-configure IP address

44 minutes52 seconds

Install Windows and Linux dual systems

01 Hours29 minutes29 seconds

Asking for help under Linux

Preliminary file related commands

Preliminary system commands

Preliminary user and group management

file properties

Folder attributes and umask

Linux editor and VIM preliminary

Linux search and compression

Text processing and regular expressions

Input and output redirection and pipes

Solve the problem of slow Linux server access-explanation of network test commands

Solving the problem of slow access to Linux servers - Explanation of network test commands - Kernel

process control

Process priority foreground and background

bash variable shortcut keys

bash operators and startup scripts

shell scripting and interaction

shell script flow control

shell script sed-awk

56 minutes53 seconds

Linux installation software

X graphics display system under linux

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